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Publication Title  
Number Year
811572 2012 An Analysis of Recent Improvements to Vehicle Safety
809760 2004 An Analysis of the Crash Reducing Effectiveness of Passenger Vehicle Daytime Running Lights (DRL's)
809540 2003 Driver Attributes and Rear-End Crash Involvement Propensity
809541 2003 Sampling Issues in Rear-End Pre-Crash Data Collection
809676 2003 The Relationship between Occupant Compartment Deformation and Occupant Injury
808680 1998 A Method For Estimating The Effect Of Vehicle Crashworthiness Design
808806 1997 1997 Traffic Safety Facts FARS/GES Annual Report
97800 1997 The Effect of Decreases in Vehicle Weight on Injry Crash Rates
95ABS 1995 Analysis of the Crash Experience of Vehicles Equipped with Antilock Braking Systems (ABS)
808574 1995 Impacts with Yield Fixed Objects by Vehicle Weight