Secretary Travels to Mexico

Name Locale Remarks Date
Elihu Root Mexico, D.F., Cuernavaca, Puebla, Orizaba, Guadalajara, Potosi. Met with President Diaz, Foreign Minister Mariscal, and Governors of several Mexican States. Delivered several public addresses Left Washington September 26. September 29-​October 16, 1907
Edward Reilley Stettinius Chapultepec Attended Inter-American Conference on the Problems of War and Peace. February 20-​March 8, 1945
John Foster Dulles Mexico, D.F. Attended the inauguration of President Lopez Mateos. November 30-​December 2, 1958
Christian Archibald Herter Mexico, D.F. Attended ceremonies for the 150th anniversary of Mexican independence. September 15-​16, 1960
David Dean Rusk Mexico, D.F. Accompanied President Johnson on an informal visit. Dedicated a statue of President Lincoln. April 15-​16, 1966
David Dean Rusk Mexico, D.F. Attended the inauguration of a new Foreign Office building. September 30-​October 1, 1966
David Dean Rusk Ciudad Acuna Accompanied President Johnson on a visit to the Amistad Dam. December 3, 1966
William Pierce Rogers Ciudad Acuna Accompanied President Nixon to the dedication of the Amistad Dam. September 8, 1969
William Pierce Rogers Puerto Vallarta Accompanied President Nixon during an official visit. August 20-​21, 1970
William Pierce Rogers Mexico, D.F. Attended the inauguration of President Echeverria. November 29-​December 1, 1970
William Pierce Rogers Cozumel Vacation. April 16-​18, 1971
William Pierce Rogers Mexico, D.F. Met with President Echeverria and senior Mexican officials. May 12-​14, 1973
Henry A Kissinger Mexico, D.F. Attended the Tlatelolco Conference of Latin American Foreign Ministers. February 20-​24, 1974
Henry A Kissinger Acapulco, Mexico, D.F. Honeymoon. Also met with senior Mexican officials. March 30-​April 9, 1974
Henry A Kissinger Nogales, Magdalena de Kino Accompanied President Ford to a meeting with President Echeverria. October 21, 1974
Henry A Kissinger Mexico, D.F. Met with President Echeverria and senior Mexican officials. June 10-​13, 1976
Henry A Kissinger Mexico, D.F. Attended the inauguration of President Lopez Portillo. November 29-​December 2, 1976
Cyrus Roberts Vance Mexico, D.F., Puerto Vallarta Official visit. Met with President Lopez Portillo and Foreign Relations Secretary Roel. May 3-​5, 1978
Cyrus Roberts Vance Mexico, D.F. Accompanied President Carter on a State visit. February 14-​16, 1979
Edmund Sixtus Muskie Mexico, D.F. Official visit. Reviewed work of U.S.-Mexico Consultative Mechanism. November 29-​December 1, 1980
Alexander Meigs Haig Cancun Attended a Foreign Ministers meeting preliminary to Conference on Cooperation and Development. July 31-​August 2, 1981
Alexander Meigs Haig Cancun Accompanied President Reagan to the International Meeting on Cooperation and Development. October 21-​24, 1981
Alexander Meigs Haig Mexico, D.F. Deposited the instrument of ratification of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America. November 23-​24, 1981
George Pratt Shultz Tijuana Accompanied President Reagan to a meeting with President-elect De la Madrid. October 9, 1982
George Pratt Shultz Mexico, D.F. Attended the 3rd meeting of U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. April 18-​19, 1983
George Pratt Shultz La Paz (Baja California) Accompanied President Reagan to a meeting with President de la Madrid. August 14, 1983
George Pratt Shultz Mexico, D.F. Met with President De la Madrid and senior Mexican officials. October 11-​12, 1984
George Pratt Shultz Mexico, D.F Attended a meeting of U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. July 25-​26, 1985
George Pratt Shultz Mexicali Accompanied President Reagan to a meeting with President de la Madrid. January 3, 1986
George Pratt Shultz Mazatlan Accompanied President Reagan to a meeting with President de la Madrid. February 13, 1988
George Pratt Shultz Mexico, D.F. Attended the inauguration of President Salinas de Gortari. December 1, 1988
James Addison Baker Mexico, D.F. Attended the 7th meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binati August 6-​7, 1989
James Addison Baker Mexico, D.F. Attended meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. September 8-​9, 1991
James Addison Baker Mexico, D.F. Attended the signing of the Salvadoran Peace Treaty. January 16, 1992
Warren Minor Christopher Mexico City Attended meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. May 8-​9, 1994
Warren Minor Christopher Mexico D.F. Attended meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. May 6-​7, 1996
Madeleine Korbel Albright Mexico, D.F. Accompanied President Clinton on a State Visit and attended a meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. May 5-​7, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Merida Accompanied President Clinton during a State Visit. February 15, 1999
Madeleine Korbel Albright Oaxaca Met with Foreign Minister Green. January 15-​16, 2000
Madeleine Korbel Albright Mexico D.F. Led the U.S. delegation to the inauguration of President Fox. November 30-​December 2, 2000
Colin Luther Powell San Cristobal Accompanied President Bush to a meeting with President Fox. February 16, 2001
Colin Luther Powell Monterrey Accompanied President Bush to the UN Conference on International Development. March 21-​22, 2002
Colin Luther Powell Los Cabos Attended APEC Ministerial and Summit Meetings. October 23-​26, 2002
Colin Luther Powell Mexico D.F. Attended a meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. November 25-​26, 2002
Colin Luther Powell Monterrey Accompanied President Bush to the Special Summit of the Americas. January 12-​13, 2004
Colin Luther Powell Mexico City Attended U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission meeting. November 8-​9, 2004
Condoleezza Rice Mexico City Met with senior Mexican officials. March 10, 2005
Condoleezza Rice Merida Accompanied President Bush. March 12-​13, 2007
Condoleezza Rice Puerto Vallarta Met with Foreign Secretary Espinosa. October 22-​23, 2008
Hillary Rodham Clinton Mexico City Attended a U.S.-Mexico High Level Consultative Group meeting and met with President Calderon and Foreign Secretary Espinosa. March 23, 2010
Hillary Rodham Clinton Guanajuato Met with Foreign Secretary Espinosa. January 24, 2011
Hillary Rodham Clinton Los Cabos Attended a G-20 Ministerial Meeting. Signed U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Agreement. February 19-​20, 2012
Hillary Rodham Clinton Los Cabos Attended the G-20 Meeting. June 18-​19, 2012