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Freedom Park School

Home of the Eagles
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Freedom Park School

Home of the Eagles

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    Weekly Newsletter

     Please click here to read the weekly newsletter.


    What are my student's grades?

    You may log on to Infinite Campus to view your student's grades. Infinite Campus also allows you check whether or not your student has received a tardy or an absence. Please click here for instructions for how to create an account. Already have an account? Please click here to access the information. 


    October Student of the Month

     STUDENT   Please click here for information for the students of the month. 



    School Reminders and Emergency Text

    Remind101 will send a text to your smartphone. We will use this app to inform, remind, and update you concerning school events, notices, reminders, and other information. Please sign up today. Click here for instructions.


    Eagle Bus Arrival/Departure Text

    Freedom Park is using Remind 101 to inform parents of late buses. When a bus is late, we will send you a text informing you that the bus is late and give you an update once the bus has arrived. You must sign up to recieve the text. Please click here for information to sign up for this service.


    Garrison Commander's Policy Memorandum No. 15 - Supervision of Children

    Please click here to read the current policy.


    School Hours

    The school day begins at 9:00 a.m.  The building is open to receive students at 8:20 a.m.. Please do not drop students off before this time as there may not be anyone to monitor them. The end of the school day is 4:00 p.m. Students who leave school before 4:00 p.m. will be counted tardy until a doctor's note is recieved. To protect the instructional day of all students, we do not release students early to avoid long lines. Calling into classes to release students early is disruptive to the education of all students in that class. Emergencies and doctors appointments will be handled on a case by case basis. 



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