Pathology, Body Weight, and Survival Tables for Peer Review

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The NTP publishes the results of short-term rodent toxicology studies in its NTP Toxicity Report series and the results of longer-term, toxicology and carcinogenicity studies as NTP Technical Reports. Pathology data from the NTP rodent studies included in these reports undergo several reviews. The final review is by the pathology working group (PWG), a panel of experts convened by the NTP to review the microscopic evaluations.

After the NTP PWG review, pathology tables and body weight and survival graphs for the completed studies are made publicly available on this page of the NTP website until draft study reports are completed for peer review.

When the draft reports are completed for peer-review, the abstracts are put on the NTP website with the list of reports. The pathology tables and the body weight and survival graphs   are accessible at the end of the abstract text (Long Term, Short Term, Genetically Modified Models).

Following peer review, the NTP finalizes the report, posts it on its website   (Long Term, Short Term, Genetically Modified Models) and provides electronic links to the final pathology tables and the curves for body weight and survival.

Note: The pathology data and curves for body weight and survival posted on this website from studies undergoing peer review have not been formally disseminated by the NTP and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy. During the peer review process, if changes in the pathology diagnosis are made, the NTP will revise the pathology tables assessable on its website with notation that they have been changed. They will be considered final once the NTP disseminates the final NTP Technical or Toxicity Report.

TR-581 Cobalt

TR-582 Vinylidene Chloride

TR-583  Water disinfection byproducts (Bromodichloroacetic acid)

TR-584  Indole-3-carbinol

TOX-60 Peroxisome Project (Dibutylphthalate, Gemfibrozil, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid)

TOX-77 Hexachlorobenzene

TOX-78 Triethylamine

TOX-80 Sodium Thioglycolate

TOX-81 alpha-Pinene


TOX-84 Ortho-phthalaldehyde is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state, and local government web resources and services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The NTP is located at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health.