LBNE Mailing Lists

How to request a NEW mailing list

All mailing lists are hosted at Fermilab in the domain. List names are case insensitive. Mailing lists should have a distinct purpose and a target membership.

  1. Naming your list
    • All lists shall start with lbne-
    • The separator within list names is a '-' (dash)
    • If a list pertains to a subproject then the subproject name should be appended as follows
      • lbne-bm-nnnnn for the beamline
      • lbne-cf-nnnnn for the conventional facilities
      • lbne-nd-nnnnn for the near detector complex
      • lbne-fd-nnnnn for the far detector
  2. Lists should have more than one owner to provide sufficient coverage for administration tasks.
  3. Lists can be created by following the instructions to Request a new mailing list on the Fermilab list server.

How to join a mailing list

You can subscribe to a list by following the instructions in the Subscribe to a mailing list section.

How to access the archives of a mailing list

If the archives of a mailing list are Public you can view them on the archive site.

If the mailing list archives are not listed on the archive site, they may be Private. In order to access these archives, you will need the password for the list archives. Contact a list owner to get the password.

How to remove yourself from a mailing list

You can remove yourself from a list by following the instructions in the Remove yourself from a mailing list section.

Instructions for list users

Instructions for list users can be found in Instructions for List Users

Instructions for list owners

Instructions for list owners can be found in Instructions for List Owners

Current LBNE Mailing Lists

NOTE: Some lists may restrict postings to members only or may be moderated.

List Name Description Owners Original Name (if renamed)
lbne-all People working on LBNE Elaine McCluskey,
Anne Heavey,
Eileen Berman
lbne-bm Beamline Personnel Vaia Papadimitriou,
Elaine McCluskey
lbne-bm-l3 Beamline L3 Managers Vaia Papadimitriou,
Elaine McCluskey
lbne-bm-sim Beam Simulation Working Group Bob Zwaska,
Laura Loiacono
lbne-calib Detector calibration Mayly Sanchez,
Gus Sinnis
lbne-collab Members of the Collaboration Milind Diwan,
Maury Goodman
lbne-communication Communication and project infrastructure administrators Elaine McCluskey,
Anne Heavey,
Eileen Berman
lbne-computing-news Information about LBNE-related computing outages, upgrades, storage issues etc. Eileen Berman,
Tom Junk
lbne-discuss General discussions of interest to LBNE Maury Goodman,
Eileen Berman
lbne-docdb DocDB Administrators Marcia Teckenbrock,
Regina Rameika,
Fang Wang
lbne-eb Executive Board Milind Diwan,
Maury Goodman
lbne-engineers Engineers working on LBNE Elaine McCluskey  
lbne-ephxportsim Electron and Photon Production and Transport Matthew Szydagis,
Brian Rebel
lbne-fd Far Detector discussions Jim Stewart,
Russ Rucinski
lbne-fd-35ton LAr 35 Ton Prototype Alan Hahn,
Bruce Baller
lbne-fd-cosmo Group to consider cosmogenics and cosmics Eric Church,
Vitaly Kudryavtsev
lbne-fd-cryo Far detector L3 cryogenics systems Barry Norris,
Jim Stewart
lbne-fd-daq Far detector L3 DAQ Jon Urheim,
Jim Stewart
lbne-fd-electronics Far detector L3 electronics systems Craig Thorn,
Jim Stewart
lbne-fd-install Far detector L3 install Joe Howell,
Jim Stewart
lbne-fd-l3 Far Detector L3 Managers Jim Stewart,
Elaine McCluskey
lbne-fd-photon Far detector L3 photon systems Stuart Mufson,
Jim Stewart
lbne-fd-pm Far Detector Project Managers Jim Stewart,
Elaine McCluskey
lbne-fd-sim Far Detector Simulations Eric Church  
lbne-fd-tb Far Detector Technical Board Jim Stewart,
Russ Rucinski
lbne-fd-tpc Far detector L3 TPC systems Bo Yu,
Jim Stewart
lbne-general Those with interest in LBNE meetings. Sends to lbne-collab too. Maury Goodman hmstk-lb-general
lbne-ib Insitutional Board Milind Diwan,
Maury Goodman
lbne-nd-l3 Near Detector L3 Managers Christopher Mauger,
Elaine McCluskey
lbne-nd-sim Near Detector simulation Aaron Yarritu lbne_ndsim
lbne-nd-wg Near Detector Working Group Regina Rameika,
Christopher Mauger
lbne-physics Physics Working Group Bob Wilson,
Milind Diwan,
Bob Svoboda
lbne-physics-conveners Physics Working Group Conveners Bob Wilson,
Milind Diwan
lbne-pm Project office personnel and L2 Managers Elaine McCluskey,
Eileen Berman
lbne-project-management-board Project Management Board Elaine McCluskey,
Eileen Berman
lbne-sci Fermilab scientists working on LBNE Regina Rameika,
Elaine McCluskey
lbne-surf-engineers Engineers working with the Sanford Undergrond Research Facility Elaine McCluskey lbne-dusel_engineers
lbne-xsnu LBNE Cross Sections and Nuclear Models Martin Tzanov  
lbne-young Young collaborators on LBNE Roxanne Guenette,
Daniel Cherdack

Other Mailing Lists of Interest to LBNE

The following mailing lists area ssociated with areas that may be of interest to LBNE. This list is not guaranteed to be complete.

List Name Description
art-users Users of the ART framework
lardbt LArTPC Detector Beam Test
larsofttracking LArSoft Tracking Working Group
larsoft_simulation Liquid Argon Detector Simulation Group
lartpc Liquid ARgon TPC R&D

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Last modified: 01/28/2013 |