Invoice Processing Platform

Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) - Finding the Payment Status for Invoices

Sign into IPP at and select Collector (Supplier) module. Enter your User ID and Password to access the IPP application. The IPP Collector home page will display.

Status Search by Invoice Number

  • To find the status of an invoice enter the invoice number in the Quick Search field on the home page and select Go to initiate the search.
IPP Collector homepage with an arrow pointing to the go button beside the quick search input box
  • Quick Search Results page will display the invoice status.
The quick search results page with arrows pointing to the invoice number and status
  • From the Quick Search Results page you can also select the View button to review the invoice and payment status. The invoice will have a watermark displaying the status.
Review of the invoice and payment status

Status Search by Purchase Order Number

  • To find the status of multiple invoices that were submitted against a purchase order, enter your purchase order number in the Quick Search field on the home page and select Go to initiate the search.
    • To simplify the search begin your PO with a % symbol. Each purchase order in IPP begins with a 3-digit customer identifier.
IPP Collector homepage with an arrow pointing to the quick search input box
  • Select the Purchase Order link or the View button.
The quick search results page with arrows pointing to the purchase order and view button
  • The Purchase Order will display, select the Related Documents button to view all the invoices related to the purchase order.
The purchse order
  • The status of each invoice related to the purchase order is displayed by either viewing the Status column or selecting the View button.
The quick search results page with arrows pointing to the invoice number and status

Payment Status Definitions

Status Definition
Draft These invoices have not yet been submitted to the buyer. You can edit these invoices and submit them to the buyer. You can void any invoice that is in draft.
Pending Submission These invoices have been submitted for processing and have passed the buyer's validation checks. However the invoice is still in the supplier defined "delay" period before the invoice is transmitted to the buyer.
Pending Approval These invoices have been received by the buyer and are still being routed for approval.
Approved to Pay These invoices have been approved to pay (and receipt confirmed if this is required for the invoice), but a payment date has not yet been set.
Scheduled To Pay These invoices have been successfully submitted to the buyer, have been approved to pay, and have a scheduled pay date. An invoice with payment terms of "Net 30" might be in a status of "Scheduled to Pay" if the approval happened quickly and the date is not yet 30 days after the date the invoice was received.
Paid The buyer has issued the payment for this invoice and the supplier has received the funds. Remittance information is stored in the IPP for all these payments and can be downloaded at any time.
In Exception These invoices did not pass the buyer's validation checks when they were submitted, and need to be corrected before they can be submitted successfully. Invoices which were uploaded via E-File and had errors are also held here. You can edit these invoices and submit them to the buyer. You can void any invoice that is in exception.
CCR Expired These invoices were rejected in the agency payment process, as a real time lookup to the Contractor Central Registry indicated that the supplier account was inactive. The CCR requires all suppliers to activate their account annually. No payment will be made by the agency until the CCR update is completed by the supplier and the agency initiates the payment.
Rejected These invoices have been successfully submitted to the buyer, but the buyer has decided it will not pay the amount on the invoice. An invoice might be rejected if it is a duplicate or none of the items on the invoice were ordered. When there is an issue with only one of the items on an invoice, some buyers prefer to reject the entire invoice and ask the supplier to resubmit a new invoice.
Voided These invoices have been voided. Invoices are not deleted from the IPP, they simply move to voided state.

Additional Assistance

Accounts Payable Help Desk
(304) 480-8000 Option 7
Standard Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday (Except Federal Holidays)
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST

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