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Notice Regarding How to Correct or Amend Paper Bank Secrecy Act Forms

Due to business process changes resulting from FinCEN's BSA IT Modernization, paper form instructions that pertain to filing corrections or amendments have changed. When correcting or amending a previously filed paper report, filers must check the appropriate amendment or correction box and complete the form in its entirety. Filers are strongly encouraged to complete this process through our Bank Secrecy Act Electronic Filing (BSA E-Filing) System. Prior to these instruction updates, some form instructions required filers to attach copies of previously filed reports to corrected or amended forms. Filers should no longer attach copies of previously filed reports to a corrected or amended form. Amendment instructions for the Report of Foreign Bank and Foreign Financial Accounts (TDF.90-22.1) and the Report of Cash Payments over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business (Form 8300) will be updated soon to reflect this filing change.

As of December 1, 2011, corrections and amendments will not be accepted as previously filed and filers will be contacted to resubmit corrections or amendments using the updated instructions. To view specific correction or amendment instructions, please visit the Forms webpage and select a specific form type at

Please note that BSA E-Filing instructions pertaining to corrections and amendments have not changed. We encourage filers to submit corrections and amendments via the BSA E-Filing System. Some electronic forms require the input of a Document Control Number (DCN) for corrections or amendments. If a DCN is required but unavailable, filers should enter all "zeros" into the DCN field when submitting an electronic correction or amendment to a filing that was previously submitted via paper. To learn more about electronically filing BSA forms, please visit the BSA E-Filing System webpage at . (Note that FinCEN has proposed the mandatory electronic filing of reports required under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) as from June 30, 2012.1 )

