Resources for:

News & Media

Recent media releases, fact sheets, and press coverage are archived on this site. If you are planning a feature story or would like to learn more about CSOSA's programs and services, please contact Leonard Sipes, Senior Public Affairs Specialist, Office of Legislative, Intergovernmental, and Public Affairs at (202) 220-5616.

DC Public Safety: Radio, Television and Blog

Radio showA Constitutional Amendment for Crime Victim Rights - NOVA (02/01/2013)
Radio showReinventing the Criminal Justice System-Justice Reinvestment-Urban Institute
Radio show
Women Offenders-CSOSA Reentry Reflections 2013 (01/17/2013)
Television showPolice-Parole and Probation Cooperative Efforts (12/07/2012)

More DC Public Safety shows>

Congressional Affairs

Adobe Acrobat PDF formatTestimony of Adrienne Poteat, Deputy Director, CSOSA,
FY 2012 Budget Request submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, May 5, 2011.
Also see: VideoVideo of House Appropriations Hearing

More Congressional Testimony >

Media Releases

Adobe Acrobat PDF formatOffenders Returning From Prison Focus of Upcoming Events (01/16/2013)

More Media Releases >

Fact Sheets

Adobe Acrobat PDF format CSOSA: An Overview (2012)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format CSOSA Mission and Critical Success Factors

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Offender Reentry in Washington, DC

More Fact Sheets >


Adobe Acrobat PDF format Domestic Violence Prevention in Washington, DC: The Domestic Violence Branch of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (Published in Sheriff Magazine, Jan. 2007)

More Publications >

Archived Newsletter Articles

Back to Rivers (December 2006)

Domestic Violence Sanctions/Intervention Initiative (Summer 2005)

More Newsletter Articles >

News and Media


For additional information on CSOSA media releases contact:

Leonard A. Sipes, Jr.

Senior Public Affairs Specialist

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

633 Indiana Avenue, NW Suite 1263

Washington, DC 20004

202-220-5616 (Office)

240-882-8274 (Cell)