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Photographing the Earth from the International Space Station

Astronaut Photography of Earth - Display Record


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View STS049-92-71.JPG 21624640480 No No ISD 1
View STS049-92-71.JPG 204756540540 No Yes NASA's Earth Observatory web site
View STS049-92-71.JPG 75554710001000 No Yes NASA's Earth Observatory web site
View STS049-92-71.JPG 149790818741908 No No
View STS049-92-71.TIF 377681212921285 No No

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Mission: STS049 Roll: 92 Frame: 71 Mission ID on the Film or image: STS49
Country or Geographic Name: NIGER
Center Point Latitude: 19.0 Center Point Longitude: 7.0 (Negative numbers indicate south for latitude and west for longitude)
Stereo: No (Yes indicates there is an adjacent picture of the same area)
ONC Map ID: H-03 JNC Map ID:


Camera Tilt: High Oblique
Camera Focal Length: 250mm
Camera: HB: Hasselblad
Film: 5017 : Kodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome, X Professional, ASA 64, standard base.


Film Exposure: Normal
Percentage of Cloud Cover: 15 (11-25)


Date: 19920513 (YYYYMMDD)GMT Time: 164351 (HHMMSS)
Nadir Point Latitude: 25.0, Longitude: 9.9 (Negative numbers indicate south for latitude and west for longitude)
Nadir to Photo Center Direction: South
Sun Azimuth: 283 (Clockwise angle in degrees from north to the sun measured at the nadir point)
Spacecraft Altitude: 194 nautical miles (359 km)
Sun Elevation Angle: 16 (Angle in degrees between the horizon and the sun, measured at the nadir point)
Orbit Number: 92


STS049-92-071 - Saharan Duststorm, Algeria-Niger Border

This south-looking, late-afternoon view shows one of the best examples in the Shuttle photo data base of a duststorm. A series of gust fronts, caused by dissipating thunderstorms, have picked up dust along the outflow boundaries. Small cumulus clouds have formed over the most vigorously ascending parts of the dust front, enhancing the visual effect of the front. The storm is moving roughly NNW, at right angles to the most typical path for duststorms in this part of the Sahara (shown by lines of sand on the desert surface in the foreground). Storms such as these can move out into the Atlantic, bringing dust even as far as the Americas on some occasions. Taken May 13, 1992, at 16:43:51 GMT, with a Hasselblad camera, 100-mm lens, and color film.

A series of gust fronts caused by disipating thunderstorms have picked up dust along the outflow boundries and produced this dust storm in the Sahara Desert along the Algeria/Niger border (25.0N, 10.0E). Small cumulus clouds have formed over the most vigorously ascending parts of the dust front, enhancing the visual effect. Storms such as this can move out into the Atlantic, bringing dust even as far as the Americas and beyond.

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