MCFM - Monte Carlo for FeMtobarn processes

Authors: John Campbell, Keith Ellis, Ciaran Williams.

Overview | Download | Related code | Examples | Recent progress | Older versions | Amplitudes | Alternatives


This is the homepage for the parton-level Monte Carlo program MCFM. The program is designed to calculate cross-sections for various femtobarn-level processes at hadron-hadron colliders. For most processes, matrix elements are included at next-to-leading order and incorporate full spin correlations. For more details, including a list of available processes, view the documentation (PDF).


The source is available as a tar'ed and gzip'ed package, which extracts into a directory called MCFM. The source can be initialized by running the Install command and then compiled with make. The code has been developed and tested under Redhat Linux and Mac OSX, using the compiler gfortran. Please report any compilation problems under other operating systems to the authors. Note that, as of version 6.0, the code requires a Fortran90 compiler. Execution should be carried out in the Bin directory, whilst some documentation (for example, instructions regarding the format for the input file) can be found in Doc.

mcfm-6.4.tar.gz (NEW! updated December 22nd, 2012)

New in version 6.4:

New in version 6.3:

New in version 6.2: New in version 6.1: New in version 6.0:

A number of packages can be linked to MCFM, if the user desires: The default behaviour of the code is to produce histograms in Topdrawer format. Executables for Topdrawer on Linux and Mac OSX, together with documentation for the Topdrawer system, can be found here.

When running with the native PDF routines of MCFM, additional input files may be necessary and can be obtained from the relevant collaboration:


There have been a number of papers based on results produced by the MCFM code, each one corresponding to different processes. The third of these references contains the most details of our method.

Recent progress

The following recent publications have also made use of calculations implemented in MCFM, but the corresponding code has not yet been made public.

Older versions

mcfm-6.3.tar.gz (August 10th, 2012)

mcfm-6.2.tar.gz (April 10th, 2012)

mcfm-6.1.tar.gz (October 19th, 2011)

mcfm-6.0.tar.gz (May 2nd, 2011)

mcfm-5.8.tar.gz (April 9th, 2010)

mcfm-5.7.tar.gz (January 22nd, 2010)

mcfm-5.6.tar.gz (July 31st, 2009)

mcfm-5.5.tar.gz (June 5th, 2009)

mcfm-5.4.tar.gz (March 12th, 2009)

mcfm-5.3.tar.gz (October 21st, 2008)

mcfm-5.2.tar.gz (July 12th, 2007)

mcfm-5.1.tar.gz (June 1st, 2006)

mcfm-5.0.tar.gz (April 25th, 2006)

mcfm-4.1.tar.gz (January 17th, 2005)

mcfm-4.0.tar.gz (October 15th, 2004)
Major revision of the code, which now includes single top processes.

mcfm-3.4.5.tar.gz (December 23rd, 2003)
Minor update, addition of LO WW production with no polarization info, process 64.

mcfm-3.4.4.tar.gz (September 3rd, 2003)
Minor update, mostly cosmetic changes.

mcfm-3.4.3.tar.gz (July 2nd, 2003)
Bug fixes for input files using the 'tota' option at NLO.

mcfm-3.4.2.tar.gz (June 6th, 2003)
Further minor improvements over version 3.4.1.

mcfm-3.4.1.tar.gz (May 29th, 2003)
Minor improvements over version 3.4.

mcfm-3.4.tar.gz (April 24th, 2003)
Version 3.4 contains a number of new Higgs production processes
at next-to-leading order.

mcfm-3.2.tar.gz (October 1st, 2002)

mcfm-2.1.tar.gz (December 14th, 2001)
An old version, maintained for historical value only.

An old version, maintained for historical value only.

Six gluon amplitudes

In the course of preparing e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0602185, we coded various analytic one-loop results for the six gluon amplitudes. The fortran programs are given here.

Higgs + 4 parton amplitudes

In the course of preparing e-Print Archive: arXiv: 0910.4481 [hep-ph], we coded the analytic one-loop results for the Higgs + 4 parton amplitudes. The fortran programs are given here(updated 12/19/2012).


For other NLO codes of a similar nature see:

For tree graph codes for many processes see:

Last updated: 17th December 2012.