AMF Data Plots

ARM Mobile Facility data plot example from the Micropulse Lidar on January 1, 2005.
ARM Mobile Facility data plot example from the Micropulse Lidar on January 1, 2005.

Data plots from the ARM Data Quality Program's Data Quality Health and Status (DQ HandS) tool are available for the Niamey, Niger, West Africa, deployment. To view plots, select an instrument and a list of folders, named by date, will appear. Select a date, then click on the available plot. To view multiple plots, go to the DQHandS website and select NIM to begin.

Shortwave Spectral Radiation

Cloud Properties

Surface Meteorology

Atmospheric Profiling

Surface Energy Flux

Longwave Spectral Radiation

Longwave Broadband Radiation

Shortwave Broadband Radiation
