Selected Science Team Proposals - FY 2006

The Office of Biological and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), has accepted the proposals listed below in response to the Office of Science Program Notice 05-14. This notice requested applications for grants, both new and renewals, that address the broad Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) goal of improving the representation of cloud and radiation processes in climate models.

  • NEW-Dr. Thomas Ackerman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Dr. Stephen Klein, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Dr. Robert Pincus, NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, and Dr. Kuan-Man Xu, NASA Langley Research Center: "Evaluation and Improvement of the Cloud Resolving Model Component of the Multi-Scale Modeling Framework"
  • Dr. Eugene Clothiaux, The Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Howard Barker, Meteorological Service of Canada, and NEW-Dr. Reinout Boers, KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute): "Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Direct Testing of Cloud and Radiation Parameterizations Using ARM Observations"
  • Dr. Judith Curry, Georgia Institute of Technology: " Coordinated Effort to Improve Parameterization of High Latitude Cloud and Radiation Processes"
  • Dr. Anthony Del Genio, NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies: "Constraints on Cloud Feedback from Analysis of ARM Observations and Models"
  • NEW-Dr. Paul DeMott, Colorado State University: "Ice Nuclei and Ice Formation in Arctic Clouds: Observations, Parameterization and Implications from the M-PACE"
  • Dr. Robert Ellingson, Florida State University: "Development, Validation and Testing of 3-D Longwave Cloud Parameterizations for General Circulation Models"
  • NEW-Dr. Edwin Eloranta, University of Wisconsin: "Cloud Model Validation Using Particle Size & Ice Crystal Morphology Data Derived from M-PACE High Spectral Resolution Lidar & Millimeter Wavelength Radar"
  • NEW-Dr. Graham Feingold, NOAA/Environmental Technology Laboratory: "Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect at the Southern Great Plains and ARM Mobile Facility Using Ground Based Remote Sensors"
  • Dr. Steven J. Ghan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: "Cloud Parameterization for Indirect Effects of Aerosol"
  • NEW-Dr. Robert Houze, University of Washington, and NEW-Dr. Courtney Schumacher, University of Washington: "Hydrometeors Injected into the Large Scale Environment by Tropical Cloud Systems"
  • Dr. Christian Jakob, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre: "Ensemble Single Column Modeling in the Tropics Derivation of Observed Data Sets, Estimation of Observation Uncertainty and Application to Parametrization"
  • Dr. Guosheng Liu, Florida State University: "Determination of Large-Scale Cloud Ice Water Concentration by Combining Surface Radar and Satellite Data in Support of ARM SCM Activities"
  • Dr. Gerald Mace, University of Utah: "The Coupling Between the Large Scale Atmospheric State and Cloud Properties: A Continuing Investigation with ARM Data"
  • Dr. Greg McFarquhar, University of Illinois: "Improvements in Representations of Cloud Microphysics for BBHRP and Models Using Data Collected during MPACE and TWP-ICE"
  • NEW-Dr. Mark Miller, Brookhaven National Laboratory: "Parameterizations of Cloud Microphysics and Indirect Aerosol Effects"
  • Dr. Qilong Min, State University of New York at Albany: "Retrievals of Cloud Optical Properties and Photon Path Length Distributions Using Existing ARM Data Streams"
  • NEW-Dr. David Mitchell, Desert Research Institute, Dr. Daniel DeSlover, University of Wisconsin: "Parameterizing Size Distributions in Ice Clouds"
  • Dr. Robert Pincus, NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center: "Accounting for Unresolved Variability in Clouds and Water Vapor in Large Scale Models: Precipitation Rate, Clear-Sky Radiation, and Convection"
  • NEW-Dr. Michael Poellot, University of North Dakota: "Analysis of In Situ Observations of Cloud Microphysics from M-PACE"
  • Dr. Henry Revercomb, University of Wisconsin-Madison: "High Spectral Resolution Observations for the ARM Program: Clear and Cloudy Sky Applications"
  • NEW-Dr. Crystal Schaaf, Boston University: "Assesment and Enhancement of MODIS BRDF/Albedo Product at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site"
  • Dr. Beat Schmid, Bay Area Environmental Research Institute: "Vertically Resolved Radiative Properties of Aerosols and Clouds"
  • Dr. Graeme Stephens, Colorado State University: "Refinement, Validation and Application of Cloud-Radiation Parameterization in a GCM"
  • NEW-Dr. John Walsh, University of Illinois: "Use of ARM Products in Reanalysis Applications and IPCC Model Assessment"
  • Dr. Zhien Wang, University of Wyoming: "Using Radar, Lidar, and Radiometer Measurements to Classify Cloud Type and Study Middle-Level Cloud Properties"
  • Dr. Guang Zhang, University of California, San Diego: "Improving Convection Parameterization Using ARM Observations and NCAR Community Atmosphere Model"

Note: NEW- denotes first-time principal investigators for the ARM Program and new proposals.