2011 AGU Presentations Featuring ARM Data

Monday, December 5

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A11L. Multiscale Fast Atmospheric Physics: Parameterization and Evaluation I
Oral A11L-07. Evaluation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in GISS ModelE Using ASR Observations G de Boer, S Menon, SE Bauer, T Toto, R Bennartz, M Cribb 9:48 am, M-West 3006
A12A. Aerosol-Cloud Interactions: Microphysics and Dynamics
Oral A12A-05. Investigation of Aerosol-cloud Equilibrium Regimes Using WRF-Chem at Cloud-System Resolving Resolution Q Yang, WI Gustafson, JD Fast, H Wang, RC Easter, S Ghan 11:20 am, M-West 3004
A14E. Radiatively Important Parameters Derived From Transmitted and/or Scattered Sunlight Measurements From Ground or Aircraft II
Oral Invited A14E-02. Partial Cloud Fraction Effects on Aerosol Retrievals Using Polarized Reflectance Observations B Cairns, C Emde, KD Knobelspiesse, A Wasilewski, MD Alexandrov, IV Geogdzhayev, MI Mishchenko, CA Hostetler, RA Ferrare 4:15 pm, M-West 3008
Oral Invited A14E-03. CU AMAX-DOAS Applications in Cloud-Free and Cloudy Atmospheres: Innovative Scattered Sun Light Observations of Trace Gases and Aerosol Extinction R Volkamer, S Baidar, S Coburn, BK Dix, H Oetjen, I Ortega, R Sinreich 4:30 pm, M-West 3008
Oral A14E-05. 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research: Results from Test-Flight Series B Schmid, C Flynn, S Dunagan, R Johnson, PB Russell, J Redemann, C Kluzek, E Kassianov, A Sinyuk, JM Livingston, MS Kacenelenbogen, M Segal Rosenheimer 5:00 pm, M-West 3008
Poster Sessions
Poster A11A-0042. Phase Characteristics in Orographic Convective Clouds JM Comstock, JM Tomlinson, J Hubbe, C Kluzek, B Schmid, H Jonsson, R Woods 8:00 am,
Poster A11A-0054. In Situ Aerosol Properties Measured over the California Central Valley and the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range JM Tomlinson, JM Comstock, J Hubbe, C Kluzek, B Schmid, H Jonsson, R Woods 8:00 am,
Poster A11B-0065. Aerosol Optical Depth Climatology Derived from Micropulse Lidar Data at Various ARM Sites World-Wide DN Kafle, R Coulter 8:00 am,
Poster A11B-0073. Toward Improving Bulk Microphysics for Regional and Global Climate Simulations of Aerosol Indirect Effects Y Wang, J Fan, L-Y Leung, Hugh Morrison, R Zhang 8:00 am,
Poster A11C-0091. Sensitivity Experiments of Condensation Nuclei Effect on Cloud Microphysics Using WRF-SBM for MC3E Case T Iguchi, T Matsui, W Tao 8:00 am,
Poster A11H-0195. Determining Constraints on Aerosol Parameter Retrievals from Direct and Diffuse Irradiances from 365 to 1050 nm P Kiedron, P Disterhoft, KO Lantz, JJ Michalsky 8:00 am,
Poster GC11A-0905. Assigning Uncertainties to ARM SGP Observations LD Riihimaki, SA McFarlane, G Lin, Y Qian, D Chand 8:00 am,
Poster A13A-0213. New Findings on Ice Nucleation in Mid-latitude Cirrus S Mishra, DL Mitchell, P Lawson, BA Baker 1:40 pm,
Poster A13B-0241. Retrieval of Vertical Profiles of Stratus Cloud Properties from Combined Oxygen A-band and Radar Observations S Li, Q Min 1:40 pm,
Poster A13C-0304. Carbon Isotopic Measurements and Aerosol Optical Determinations during CARES: Indications of the Importance of Background Biogenic Aerosols JS Gaffney, NA Marley, M Begum, NC Sturchio, TP Guilderson 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0336. Observational Study of Different Entrainment-Mixing Mechanisms in Cumulus during RACORO: An Implication for Parameterization C Lu, Y Liu, SS Yum, S Niu, G Senum 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0342. Strategy for Long-Term 3D Cloud-Resolving Simulations Over the ARM SGP Site and Preliminary Results W Lin, Y Liu, H Song, S Endo 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0348. Observational-Based Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Reanalyses over the Southern Great Plains W Wu, Y Liu, AK Betts 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0350. Observational Relationships Between Vertical Air Motion, LWP and Drizzle Onset in Marine Stratus EP Luke, P Kollias, AC McComiskey, G Feingold 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0351. Doppler Radar Measurements of In-cloud Saturation Ratio and Implications for Drizzle Parameterization RL McGraw, EP Luke, P Kollias 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0355. Intercomparison of Simulated Clouds by Seven SCMs at the ARM SGP Site H Song, W Lin, Y Lin, L Donner, R Neggers, A Wolf, AD Del Genio, Y Liu 1:40 pm,
Poster A13D-0356. Evaluating Forecasts of Central US Mesoscale Convective Systems in a GCM with Explicit Embedded Convection GJ Kooperman, MS Pritchard, RC Somerville, M Khairoutdinov 1:40 pm,
Poster A13E-0365. Vertical Columns of NO2, HONO, HCHO, CHOCHO and Aerosol Extinction: Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in Context of CalNex and CARES I Ortega, S Coburn, H Oetjen, R Sinreich, RM Thalman, E Waxman, R Volkamer 1:40 pm,

Tuesday, December 6

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A22A. Atmospheric Ice Nucleation III
Oral A22A-04. Ice Formation in Cold Clouds: Using SPARTICUS Measurements to Constrain Ice Nucleation Parameterization in a Global Climate Model K Zhang, X Liu, M Wang 11:05 am, M-West 3002
A22B. Cloud, Convection, Precipitation, and Radiation: Observations and Modeling III
Oral A22B-05. Vertical Properties of Mixed-Phase Clouds from In Situ Ground and Airborne Measurements during Simultaneous CAMPS and STORMVEX Field Campaigns G Chirokova, AG Hallar, DH Lowenthal, IB Mccubbin, LM Avallone, GG Mace, J French, LD Oolman 11:20 am, M-West 3006
A22C. Formation and Properties of Organic Aerosols III: Results From CalNex
Oral A22C-02. Characteristics of Submicron Aerosols Influenced by Mixed Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions: Results from the Carbonaceous Aerosol Radiative Effects Study (CARES) A Setyan, Q Zhang, C Song, JE Shilling, WB Knighton, M Merkel, Y Sun, TB Onasch, M Canagaratna, SC Herndon, DR Worsnop, BA Flowers, MK Dubey, JD Fast, RA Zaveri, A Wiedensohler, FJ Brechtel, C Kluzek 10:35 am, M-West 3004
TH22A. DOE’s Climate and Environmental Sciences Town Hall: GreenOceanAmazon2014
Town Hall TH22A. DOE’s Climate and Environmental Sciences Town Hall: GreenOceanAmazon2014 P Horan, G Geernaert, DM Koch, WR Ferrell, M Kuperberg 12:30 pm, M-West 2002
A23F. Cloud, Convection, Precipitation, and Radiation: Observations and Modeling IV
Oral A23F-02. Understanding Differences in Current Cloud Retrievals of ARM Ground-based Measurements C Zhao, S Xie, SA Klein, R McCoy, JM Comstock, J Delanoë, M Deng, M Dunn, R Hogan, D Huang, MP Jensen, GG Mace, SA McFarlane, E O'Connor, A Protat, M Shupe, DD Turner, Z Wang 2:10 pm, M-West 3006
A24B. Cloud, Convection, Precipitation, and Radiation: Observations and Modeling V
Oral A24B-04. Estimation of Relaxation Timescale for Shallow Convective Clouds Using TWP-ICE Measurements K Alapaty, S Xie, JA Herwehe, SK Mishra 4:45 pm, M-West 3006
Poster Sessions
Poster A21B-0040. Aerosol Chemical Composition Characterization at the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) Site Using an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor Y Lee, F Mei, S DeJong, A Jefferson 8:00 am,
Poster A21B-0052. Determination of Humic Like Substance (HULIS) in Absorbing Aerosols by FTIR Spectroscopy: CARES and Other Field Results NA Marley, JS Gaffney, A Sarkar 8:00 am,
Poster A21B-0067. Steady Increase of Secondary Organic Aerosol Mass Concentration and Light Extinction During the CARES 2010 Field Campaign MS Gyawali, WP Arnott, BA Flowers, MK Dubey, DB Atkinson, C Song, RA Zaveri, A Setyan, Q Zhang, C
Mazzoleni, K Gorkowski
8:00 am,
Poster A21B-0068. Aerosol Size Distribution and Time Evolution in CARES LI Kleinman, SR Springston, GI Senum, AJ Sedlacek, J Wang, C Kuang, JD Fast, JE Shilling, JM Tomlinson, J Hubbe, RA Zaveri 8:00 am,
Poster A21B-0070. Variability of Aerosol Properties and Planetary Boundary Layer Heights from Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar, Ground-Based Measurements, and the WRF Model during CalNex and CARES MD Obland, AJ Swanson, RA Ferrare, SP Burton, JW Hair, CA Hostetler, R Rogers, JD Fast, LK Berg, MS Pekour, WJ Shaw, RA Zaveri, CL Haman, A Cook, D Harper 8:00 am,
Poster A21B-0072. In Situ Single Particle Measurement of Atmospheric Aging of Carbonaceous Aerosols During CARES JF Cahill, K Suski, J Hubbe, J Shilling, RA Zaveri, SR Springston, KA Prather 8:00 am,
Poster A23A-0123. Synergistic Observations of Convective Cloud Life-Cycle during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) MP Jensen, WA Petersen, S Giangrande, GM Heymsfield, P Kollias, SA Rutledge, M Schwaller, EJ Zipser 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0124. Quality Control and Calibration of NASA Polarimetric (NPOL) Radar Data from MC3E DA Marks, DB Wolff 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0125. Multiple-Wavelength Radar Perspectives of Mixed-Phase Convective Precipitation in MC3E SW Nesbitt, KJ Gleicher, WA Petersen, M Schwaller 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0126. Volumetric Geophysical Retrievals in Precipitating Cloud Systems SM Collis, KW North, MP Jensen, P Kollias, CR Williams, N Bharadwaj, AM Fridlind, K Widener, S Giangrande 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0127. Evolution of Shallow Cumulus Clouds at the ARM SGP Site During the MC3E P Borque, P Kollias, S Giangrande, EP Luke, KW North 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0128. Characterization of Boundary Layer Dynamics and Cloudiness Using an X-band Network During MC3E KW North, SM Collis, A Chandra, P Borque, S Giangrande, P Kollias 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0129. Evaluation of WRF Real-Time Forecast During MC3E Period: Sensitivity of Model Configuration for Diurnal Precipitation Variation D Wu, T Matsui, W Tao, CD Peters-Lidard, MM Rienecker, AY Hou 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0130. Sensitivity and Evaluation of Collisional Drop Breakup During a Case of Intense Convective Precipitation During MC3E K Van Weverberg, AM Vogelmann, MP Jensen, S Giangrande, P Kollias 1:40 pm,
Poster A23A-0132. An Experimental Study of the Rainfall Variability within TRMM/GPM Precipitation Radar and Microwave Sensor Instantaneous Field of View during MC3E A Tokay, WA Petersen, PN Gatlin, M Wingo, DB Wolff, LD Carey 1:40 pm,
Poster A23B-0146. Understanding Biogenic and Anthropogenic Trace Gas Variations Measured Near Cool, CA in June 2010 BZ Klein, BA Flowers, K Gorkowski, MK Dubey, WB Knighton, C Floerchinger, SC Herndon, JD Fast, RA Zaveri 1:40 pm,
Poster A23D-0207. Life Cycle of Tropical Convection and Anvil in Observations and Models SA McFarlane, SM Hagos, JM Comstock 1:40 pm,
Poster GC23B-0947. Long-Term Radiance Trends at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Site DD Turner, P Gero 1:40 pm,

Wednesday, December 7

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A31H. Cloud, Convection, Precipitation, and Radiation: Observations and Modeling VI
Oral A31H-02. Toward Constraining Simulated Stratiform Precipitation Properties with Observations A Varble, EJ Zipser, AM Fridlind, CR Williams, AS Ackerman, J-P Chaboureau, J Fan, A Hill, J-P Pinty, B Shipway 8:30 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral A31H-03. Evaluation of Cloud Microphysical Parameterizations in Cloud Resolving Model Simulations using the ARM Observations Z Liu, A Muhlbauer, TP Ackerman 8:45 am,
M-West, 3006
A32B. Atmospheric Sciences New Fellows Speak II (Video On-Demand)
Oral A32C-03. Analyzing and Evaluating Atmospheric Model Physics Using Synoptic Classification TP Ackerman 10:49 am,
M-West, 3002
A32C. Convective Cloud Lifecycle During the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) II
Oral Invited A32C-01. Integrated Observations of Convective Clouds during MC3E – Preliminary Analysis, Successes and Challenges P Kollias, MP Jensen, WA Petersen, SM Collis, S Giangrande, KW North, P Borque, A Chandra, EP Luke 10:20 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral Invited A32C-02. Development of the Large-Scale Forcing Data to Support MC3E Cloud Modeling Studies S Xie, Y Zhang 10:35 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral Invited A32C-03. Development of the Synthetic GPM Simulator upon the MC3E Measurements T Matsui, T Iguchi, X Li, W Tao, WA Petersen, AY Hou 10:50 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral A32C-04. Selecting MC3E Case Studies For Numerical Simulation Testing And Validation: From Intense Convection To Mostly Stratiform Precipitation Events EJ Zipser, A Varble, SD Bang 11:05 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral Invited A32C-05. Inner Domain Thermodynamic Profiling during MC3E DD Turner 11:20 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral A32C-06. Analysis of the 20 May 2011 MCS Observed in MC3E SA Rutledge, B Dolan, TJ Lang, A Rowe 11:35 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral A32C-07. Convective Structure Observed from HIWRAP during MC3E GM Heymsfield, L Tian, L Li, M.Mclinden, A Reynolds, J Cervantes 11:50 am,
M-West, 3006
Oral A32C-08. Statistics of Convective Cores Using ARM UHF Wind
Profilers During the Oklahoma MC3E Campaign
S Giangrande, N Dulaney, SM Collis, MP Jensen 12:05 pm,
M-West, 3006
A33E. Aerosols in Urban and Rural Environments: Sources, Transformations, Properties, and Atmospheric Effects IV
Oral Invited A33E-01. Chemical and Physical Properties of Individual Aerosol Particles Characterized in Sacramento, CA during CARES Field Campaign A Zelenyuk, J Beranek, T Vaden, DG Imre, RA Zaveri 1:40 pm,
M-West, 3004
A33F. Current Air Quality Issues in California II
Oral A33F-02. Sources of Fine Particulate Matter in California: Historical Context and Findings from Recent Studies JL Jimenez 2:00 pm,
M-West, 3006
IN34A. Real Use of Open Standards and Technologies II
Oral IN34A-04. Web-Based Data Tools Leveraging Open Standards In Use at the ARM Climate Research Facility S Moore 5:00 pm,
M-West, 3008
A34D. Tropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate II
Oral Invited A33F-02. The Convective Cloud Population during the Buildup of the Madden-Julian Oscillation R Houze, S Brodzik, J Yuan 5:06 pm,
M-West, 3008
Poster Sessions
Poster A31C-0084. Validation of CERES-MODIS Arctic Cloud Properties Using CloudSat/CALIPSO and ARM NSA Observations K Giannecchini, X Dong, B Xi, P Minnis, S Kato 8:00 am,
Poster A31C-0091. Simulation of Realistic EarthCARE Spaceborne Doppler Products from ARM Ground-Based, SPIDER Airborne and CRM Data OO Sy, S Tanelli, N Takahashi, Y Ohno, H Horie, P Kollias 8:00 am,
Poster A31C-0097. Cloud Field Variations Associated with Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Observed by Active Remote Sensors at ARM TWP Site and by CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellites M Deng, C Long, JM Comstock, SA McFarlane 8:00 am,
Poster A31C-0099. The Effect of Gaussian Statistical Assumptions on Cirrus Ice Water Content Retrievals as Simulated Using Synthetic Remote Sensing Measurements Based on Measured Cirrus Cloud Particle Size Distributions MC Schwartz, GG Mace 8:00 am,
Poster GC33A-1046. First Deployment of a New Mobile Laboratory for Greenhouse Gas Attribution Studies R Bambha, HA Michelsen, P Schrader, F Helsel, M Ivey, BD Zak, BW LaFranchi, BA Flowers, T Rahn, MK Dubey, TP Guilderson, SC Biraud, ML Fischer, MS Torn, JA Berry, A Karion, PC Novelli, C Sweeney 1:40 pm,

Thursday, December 8

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
H42E. Global Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications II
Oral Invited H42E-01. Physical Validation of GPM Retrieval Algorithms Over Land: An Overview of the Mid-Latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) WA Petersen, MP Jensen 10:20 am,
M-West, 3018
Poster Sessions
Poster C41D-0436. The Oliktok Point Arctic Research Facility (OPARF) BD Zak, M Ivey 8:00 am,
Poster C41D-0441. Establishment of a New, Cooperative ARM and AmeriFlux Site on the Alaskan North Slope DP Billesbach, ML Fischer, DR Cook, MS Torn, C Castanha 8:00 am,
Poster GC41A-0774. Use of a Cluster Analysis to Investigate the Relationship Between Large-Scale Dynamics and Cloud Properties at Darwin, Australia SM Evans, R Marchand, TP Ackerman 8:00 am,
Poster GC41A-0776. Evaluation of the NASA GISS AR5 SCM/GCM at the ARM SGP Site using Self Organizing Maps AD Kennedy, X Dong, B Xi, AD Del Genio, A Wolf 8:00 am,
Poster GC41A-0781. Evaluation of Climate Models in Terms of Relationship Between Cloud Fraction and Cloud Albedo Y Liu, H Song, W Lin, W Wu, MP Jensen, T Toto 8:00 am,
Poster GC41A-0782. Comparison of CMIP5 Cloud Statistics to Long-Term ARM Data B Foreback, GG Mace 8:00 am,
Poster A43A-0128. Aerosol Classification using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements SP Burton, RA Ferrare, CA Hostetler, JW Hair, MD Obland, RR Rogers, CF Butler, AL Cook, DB Harper and KD Froyd 1:40 pm,

Friday, December 9

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A51B. Aerosol Properties and Their Relevance to Climate Processes: Techniques, Laboratory and Field Observations, and Modeling II
Oral Invited A51B-03. Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign RA Zaveri, WP Arnott, DB Atkinson, J Barnard, J Beranek, CD Cappa, D Chand, MK Dubey, RC Easter, BA Flowers, MS Gyawali, BT Jobson, MS Pekour, NS Riemer, R Subramanian, C Song, A Zelenyuk 8:30 am, M-3006
A53E. Evaluating Emissions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales IV
Oral A53E-07. Vertical Profiles and Column Densities of NO2 by the CU Airbone MAX-DOAS: Comparison with Model Simulations S Baidar, H Oetjen, I Ortega, C Cai, A Kaduwela, S-W Kim, R Volkamer 3:10 pm, M-3008
Poster Sessions
Poster A51A-0213. New ARM Measurements of Clouds, Aerosols, and the Atmospheric State JH Mather, J Voyles 8:00 am,
Poster A53A-0290. Climatology of Aerosol Optical Properties Near the New England Coast: Preparation for the Two-Column Aerosol Program (TCAP) Field Campaign CM Berkowitz, D Chand, L Berg, E Kassianov, E Chapman 1:40 pm,
Poster A53A-0300. Operational Implementation of Cloud Concentration Nuclei Profile Algorithm C Sivaraman, SA McFarlane, S Ghan 1:40 pm,
Poster A53A-0301. Measurements of the Concentration and Composition of CCN and IN at a High Elevation Site B Friedman, G Kulkarni, A Zelenyuk, J Beranek, MS Pekour, AG Hallar, IB Mccubbin, DJ Cziczo, JA Thornton 1:40 pm,
Poster A53A-0309. Evolution of Wavelength-Dependent Mass Absorption Cross Sections of Carbonaceous Aerosols during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign BA Flowers, MK Dubey, R Subramanian, AJ Sedlacek, P Kelley, WT Luke, BT Jobson, RA Zaveri 1:40 pm,
Poster A53B-0326. Persistent Daily New Particle Formation at a Mountain-Top Location AG Hallar, G Chirokova, DH Lowenthal 1:40 pm,