AGU Presentations Featuring ARM Data

Monday, December 13

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A11H. Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions: Clouds and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions I
Oral A11H-05. Aerosol-Droplet Relations in Arctic Clouds: Insight from the Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC) M.E. Earle; P. Liu; J.W. Strapp; A. Zelenyuk; M. Ovchinnikov; A. Macdonald; N.C. Shantz; W.R. Leaitch; S.J. Ghan 9:00 am, M-West 3006
A11I. Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions: Observations and Experimental Techniques I
Oral A11I-03. 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-Scanning Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research: Development and Results from First Test Flights B. Schmid; C. Flynn; S. Dunagan; R. Johnson; P.B. Russell; J. Zavaleta; J. Redemann; C. Kluzek; B. Holben 8:30 am, M-West 3008
A11K. Impacts of Mineral Dust Aerosol on Global and Regional Climate I
Oral A11K-09. Determination of the Optical Properties of Dust and Pollution Aerosols, Their Radiative Forcing Climate Effects across China Z. Li 9:48 am, M-West 3004
H11L. Precipitation Measurement, Validation, and Applications: From Watershed to Global Scales I
Oral H11L-07. Intersatellite Calibration of Microwave Radiometers for GPM T.T. Wilheit 9:30 am, M-West 3016
A12A. Climate Change, Air Quality, and Their Interrelations at the North American West Coast I
Oral A12A-02. An Overview of the 2010 Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study (CARES) Field Campaign R.A. Zaveri; W.J. Shaw; D.J. Cziczo 10:40 am, M-West 3002
Oral (Invited) A12A-07. Aircraft and Shipboard Measurements of Aerosol Mixing State in Southern and Northern California during the Calnex 2010 and CARES Field Campaigns K.A. Prather; J.F. Cahill; C.J. Gaston; K. Suski; R.A. Zaveri; J. Seinfeld 12:00 pm, M-West 3002
A12B. Innovative Applications of Satellite and Ground Observations in Evaluating Large-Scale Models: Beyond the Resemblance Test II
Oral A12B-07. The Sensitivity of ISCCP Optical Depths to Sub-Pixel Scale Cloud Field Variability: Implications for Climate Model-ISCCP Comparisons G.G. Mace; S. Houser; S. Cooper; Q. Min; S.A. Klein 11:44 am, M-West 3008
A12D. Three-Dimensional Cloud, Trace Gas, and Aerosol Retrievals I
Oral (Invited) A12D-06. Scanning Microwave Radiometry for Investigating Water Vapor and Cloud Distributions S. Crewell; S. Kneifel; U. Löhnert; J. Schween 11:35 am, M-West 3006
Oral (Invited) A12D-07. New Cloud Science from the New ARM Cloud Radar Systems W.J. Wiscombe 11:50 am, M-West 3006
Oral A12D-08. 3D Scanning Cloud Radar Observations at Azores during the ARM AMF Field Campaign: Reconstruction and Study of 3D Cloud Structures and Properties K. Bowley; I. Jo; A. Tatarevic ; P. Kollias 12:05 pm, M-West 3006
A13I. Climate Change, Air Quality, and Their Interrelations at the North American West Coast II
Oral A13I-01. Gas- and Particle-phase Chemical Composition Measurements Onboard the G1 Research Aircraft during the CARES Campaign J.E. Shilling; L. Alexander; J. Jayne; E. Fortner 1:40 pm, M-3002
Oral A13I-02. Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Chemistry, Evolution, and Volatility at Cool (California) During the CARES Field Campaign with a Thermodenuder-High-Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer A. Setyan; Q. Zhang; M. Merkel; Y. Sun; C. Song; T.B. Onasch; J. Jayne; D.R. Worsnop; A. Wiedensohler; J.E. Shilling; B.A. Flowers; M.K. Dubey; D. Vovchuk 1:55 pm, M-3002
Oral A13I-03. The Diurnal Cycle of Particle Sizes, Compositions, and
Densities observed in Sacramento, CA during CARES Field
J. Beránek; T. Vaden; D.G. Imre; A. Zelenyuk 2:10 pm, M-3002
Oral A13I-06. Aerosol Optical Properties at the Ground Sites during the 2010 CARES Field Campaign D.B. Atkinson; J.G. Radney; J.W. Harworth 2:55 pm, M-3002
Oral A13I-07. Survey of Aerosol Optical Properties Measured as a Function of Wavelength with Multiple Photoacoustic Instruments in Sacramento During the CARES Campaign M.K. Dubey; B.A. Flowers; W.P. Arnott; C. Mazzoleni; D.A. Lack; M.S. GYAWALI; K. Gorkowski; J.D. Fast; R.A. Zaveri; J. Hubbe; A.C. Aiken 3:10 pm, M-3002
A13J. High-Resolution Active Optical Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Processes II
Oral A13J-02. Initial Results of the Cloud, Aerosol Polarization and Backscatter Lidar at Summit, Greenland R.R. Neely; M. Hayman; Thayer; R. Hardesty; M. O'Neill; M. Shupe 1:55 pm, M-3008
A13K. Ice and Mixed-Phase Precipitation Characterization in Passive and Active Microwave Remote Sensing, in Situ Observations, and Modeling Perspectives II
Oral A13K-07. Derivation of Covariance Matrices for the Optimal Estimation Retrieval of Cloud and Precipitation Ice Using Microphysical Measurements from TC4 and Sparticus M.C. Schwartz; G..G. Mace; P. Lawson 3:10 pm, M-3006
A14A. Climate Change, Air Quality, and Their Interrelations at the North American West Coast III
Oral A14A-03. Processing Of Black Carbon In The Mixed Sacramento Urban-Biogenic Environment A.J. Sedlacek; L.I. Kleinman; J.E. Shilling; S. Springston; R. Subramanian; R.A. Zaveri 4:30 pm, M-3002
A14B. Multiscale Organization of Tropical Convection: Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) II
Oral A14B-07. ARM Data sets for the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) S.A. McFarlane; C.N. Long; J.H. Mather; R. Jundt; M.P. Jensen; K. Johnson; R.A. McCord 5:21 pm, M-3006
Poster Sessions
Poster A11C-0048. Evaluation of Modeled Clouds using the Satellite Observations Y. Zhang; S.A. Klein; J.S. Boyle; J.E. Kay; G.G. Mace 8:00 am,
Poster A11C-0049. Impact of Horizontal Resolution on Climate Model Forecasts of Tropical Precipitation and Diabatic Heating for the TWP-ICE Period S.A. Klein; J.S. Boyle 8:00 am,
Poster A11C-0053. Using Self-Organizing Maps to Evaluate the NASA GISS AR5 SCM at the ARM SGP Site X. Dong; A.D. Kennedy; B. Xi 8:00 am,
Poster A11C-0056. Investigating Climate Trends in 14 Years of AERI Observations at the ARM SGP Site P.J. Gero; D. Turner 8:00 am,
Poster A11C-0063. Evaluation of NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) Cloud Properties Using Satellite Retrievals H. Yoo; Z. Li 8:00 am,
Poster A11D-0080. Variability in Rainfall Drop-Size Distributions Observed at the Darwin ARM Site M.P. Jensen; S. Giangrande; M.J. Bartholomew 8:00 am,
Poster A11D-0085. Relating Large-Scale Dynamic Patterns and Cloud Properties at Darwin, Australia S.M. Evans; R. Marchand; T.P. Ackerman 8:00 am,
Poster A11F-0132. On the Evaporation Kinetics and Phase of Laboratory and Ambient Secondary Organic Aerosol A. Zelenyuk; T. Vaden; D.G. Imre; J. Beránek; M. Shrivastava 8:00 am,
Poster A13A-0178. Comparison of CERES-MODIS and CloudSat/CALIPSO Cloud Properties with DOE ARM AMF Measurements at Shouxian, China Y. Qiu; X. Dong; B. Xi; P. Minnis 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13A-0184. Effect of Land Surface Interactions on Cloud Convection Processes – A Mesoscale Modeling Study using the ARM CLASIC-2007 Field Observations U. Charusambot; D. Niyogi; M.A. Miller 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13A-0185. A Case Study of a Double-Moment Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in Cloud Resolving Model Simulations Z. Liu; T.P. Ackerman; H. Morrison 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13B-0198. The MODIS MOD07 Collection 6 products E.E. Borbas;
S.W. Seemann; L. Moy; W.P. Menzel
1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13B-0209. An Evaluation of Land-Surface Heterogeneity Effects on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes at Various Scales M.A. Bolch; R. Avissar 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13C-0224. The ARM Climate Research Facility – New Capabilities and the Expected Impacts on Climate Science and Modeling J. Voyles; J.H. Mather 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13E-0253. A Study of Asian Dust Physical and Chemical Properties using AMF-China and AERONET Data T. Logan; B. Xi; X. Dong; Z. Li 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A13H-0309. Three-Dimensional Cloud Retrievals from the 2009 DOE ARM Cloud Tomography Field Experiment D. Huang; A.J. Gasiewski; M.P. Cadeddu; W.J. Wiscombe 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster H13E-1025. Is Oklahoma Getting Drier? B. Lin; T. Fan; B. Xi 1:40 pm, M-South

Tuesday, December 14

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A21H. Climate Change, Air Quality, and Their Interrelations at the North American West Coast IV
Oral A21H-08. Vertical Profile Measurements of Formaldehyde and NO2 by means of the CU Airborne Multi-Axis DOAS instrument H. Oetjen; S. Baidar; S. Coburn; I. Ortega; B.K. Dix; R. Sinreich; R. Volkamer 9:45 am, M-3002
A21K. Tropospheric Multiphase Chemistry: Aerosol Formation and Modification by Aqueous Phase Processes III
Oral A21K-02. Case studies of size resolved CCN composition and cloud properties in cumulus humilis X. Yu; L.K. Berg; C.M. Berkowitz; Y. Lee; L. Alexander; J.A. Ogren; B. Andrews 8:15 am, M-3004
A22C. Fast Physics in Climate Models: Parameterization and Evaluation II
Oral A22C-03. Biases in Parameterized Autoconversion and Accretion Rates due to Subgrid Variations and Correlations of Cloud Water, Droplet Number, and Drizzle Water J. Wang; G. Senum; Y. Liu; P.H. Daum; L.I. Kleinman; R.L. McGraw 10:56 am, M-3006
Oral A22C-07. Observational Evaluation of Mass Flux Parameterizations of Fair-Weather Cumuli B.A. Albrecht; P. Kollias 11:44 am, M-3006
Oral A22C-08. Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in a Multiscale Aerosol Climate Model S.J. Ghan; W. Minghuai; R.C. Easter; E. Kassianov; M. Ovchinnikov; Y. Qian; V.E. Larson; D.P. Schanen; H. Yu; H. Morrison; M. Khairoutdinov 11:56 am, M-3006
Oral A22C-09. Microphysics Parameterization in Convection and its Effects on Cloud Simulation in the NCAR CAM5 G.J. Zhang; X. Song 12:08 pm, M-3006
A23E. Ice Formation and Multiplication in Tropospheric Clouds II
Oral A23E-02. Arctic Observations Supporting Liquid-Dependent Ice Nucleation at Low-Altitudes and Moderate Temperatures G. de Boer; H. Morrison; M. Shupe; R. Hildner 1:55 pm, M-3006
Oral (Invited) A23E-05. Investigating and Parameterizing Physical, Chemical, and Thermodynamic Dependencies of Ice Nuclei concentrations P.J. DeMott; A.J. Prenni; R.C. Sullivan; X. Liu; S.M. Kreidenweis; J.M. Carpenter; M. Branson; O. Moehler; A. Glen; S.D. Brooks 2:40 pm, M-3006
Oral A23E-08. Uncertainty in Representing Cloud Ice Nuclei Number Concentration in Climate Models and Its Impact on Model Simulations S. Xie; X. Liu; J.S. Boyle; S.A. Klein; S.J. Ghan 3:25 pm, M-3006
H23J. Evapotranspiration II: Remote Sensing Applications From Water Management to the Global Water Cycle
Oral H23J-07. Retrieving Latent Heat Flux from MODIS Aqua and Its Comparison with ARM CLASIC 2007 Observations, LDAS and Recent Reanalyses Products over US Southern Great Plains K. Mallick; A. Jarvis; D. Niyogi; S. Fall; U. Charusambot; B. Bhattacharya 3:10 pm, M-3014
Poster Sessions
Poster A21C-0072. Transport and Mixing Processes Affecting the Evolution of Aerosols in the Sacramento Valley during CARES J.D. Fast; W.J. Shaw; L.K. Berg; M.S. Pekour; W.I. Gustafson; R.A. Ferrare; C.A. Hostetler; R.A. Zaveri 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0073. Submicron Aerosol Characterization During CARES 2010 Field Campaign Using a High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry at the Suburban Site C. Song; J.E. Shilling; R.A. Zaveri; T.B. Onasch; J. Jayne; Q. Zhang 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0074. SOA Precursors at the T0 Site During the 2010 CARES Campaign H.W. Wallace; B.T. Jobson; M.H. Erickson 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0075. The Effect of Particle Composition on Hygroscopicity and Droplet Formation at CARES D.J. Cziczo; M.S. Pekour; N. Hiranuma; D. Nelson 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0076. CCN Activity of Thermodenuded Aerosol Particles Downwind of the Sacramento Area Urban Plume N. Hiranuma; D.J. Cziczo; D. Nelson; Q. Zhang; A. Setyan; C. Song; M. Shrivastava; J.E. Shilling 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0077. Diurnal Cycle of Greenhouse Gases and Biogenic Hydrocarbons During Summer near Cool, CA B.A. Flowers; C. Floerchinger; W.B. Knighton; M.K. Dubey; S.C. Herndon; P. Kelley; W.T. Luke; W.J. Shaw; J. Barnard; N. Laulainen; R.A. Zaveri 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0078. Solar Irradiance and Aerosol Optical Properties During the CARES Field Campaign J. Barnard; E. Kassianov 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0079. Interpretation of Aerosol Optical and Morphological Properties during the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study in Sacramento, June 2010 K. Gorkowski; C. Mazzoleni; S. China; N. Sharma; B.A. Flowers; M.K. Dubey; M.S. Gyawali; W.P. Arnott; R.A. Zaveri 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0080. Mixing State of Black Carbon and Evolution During Transport: Results from CARES 2010 R. Subramanian; G.L. Kok; A.J. Sedlacek; D. Baumgardner; R.A. Zaveri 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0092. Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements during CalNex and CARES C.A. Hostetler; R.A. Ferrare; J.W. Hair; A. Cook; D. Harper; S.P. Burton; M.D. Obland; R. Rogers; C.F. Butler; A.J. Swanson 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0093. A Comparison of Aircraft ATOFMS Measurements in the Greater Los Angeles and Sacramento Areas K. Suski; J.F. Cahill; S.P. Hersey; J.E. Shilling; K.A. Prather 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21C-0094. CU Airborne MAX-DOAS Measurements over California During the CalNEx and CARES Field Campaigns S. Baidar; H. Oetjen; S. Coburn; I. Ortega; B.K. Dix; R. Sinreich; R. Volkamer 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21D-0129. Investigations of Cumulus Entrainment Rates Through Remotely-Sensed Observations T.J. Wagner; D.D. Turner; L.K. Berg 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21D-0137. Connection between Entrainment-Mixing and Microphysical Relationships in Drizzling and Non-drizzling Clouds C. Lu; Y. Liu; S. Niu 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21D-0138. Adiabaticity, Turbulence and Drizzle in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds J. Remillard; W. Szyrmer; E.P. Luke; P. Kollias 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21F-0168. Modeling of the Arctic Cloud and Radiation Processes Observed during SHEBA: Importance of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation E. Girard; P. Du 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A21F-0174. Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Simulations for Liquid and Ice Clouds with a Single Column Model (SCM) Using McRAS Cloud Physics with ARM Data and Satellite Retrievals P.S. Bhattacharjee; Y. Sud; R. Yang 8:00 am, M-South
Poster H21E-1093. Reflectivity Uncertainties and their Impact on Raindrop Size Distribution Parameters Retrieved from Vertically Pointing Doppler Profiling Radars C.R. Williams; P.E. Johnston; D.A. Carter 8:00 am, M-South
Poster A23A-0203. Developing A Multi-Year Ensemble Cloud Retrieval Properties Dataset (ECLDRET) from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations C. Zhao; S. Xie; S.A. Klein; R. McCoy; J.M. Comstock; M. Deng; M. Dunn; R. Hogan; M.P. Jensen; G.G. Mace; S.A. McFarlane; O.J. Oconnor; M. Shupe; D. Turner; Z. Wang 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0206. Quantifying Uncertainty in Cloud Fraction Observations over the Southern Great Plains W. Wu; Y. Liu; M.P. Jensen; T. Toto 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0207. Radar Derived Storm Dynamics for Cloud-Resolving Model Evaluation and Climate Model Parameterization Development S.M. Collis; P.T. May; A. Protat; A.M. Fridlind; A.S. Ackerman; C.R. Williams; A. Varble; E.J. Zipser 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0209. Estimating Large-Scale Convection from a No-Microphysics WRF Simulation over the SGP Z.T. Segele; L.M. Leslie; P. Lamb 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0211. Enhanced Cloud Regime Classification for Evaluation of Model Fast Physics W. Lin; Y. Liu; A.M. Vogelmann; D. Lubin 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0219. Testing the Parameterizations of Cloud Base Mass-Flux for Shallow Cumulus Clouds using Cloud Radar Observations A. Chandra; P. Kollias; B.A. Albrecht; P. Zhu; S.A. Klein; Y. Zhang 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0222. Comparison and Evaluation of SCM Results against Observations H. Song; W. Lin; L. Donner; Y. Lin; A.D. Genio; A. Wolf; R. Neggers; Y. Liu 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0225. Evaluation of Subgrid Cloud Variability and Its Parameterization for GCM Radiation Calculation Using Year-Long CRM Simulations S. Park; X. Wu 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0227. Configuration and Use of WRF as a Cloud Resolving Model in Evaluation against Observations S. Endo; Y. Liu; W. Lin; G. Liu 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0228. A Multi-Scale Three-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System and Its Application to Cloud Resolving Models Z. Li; Z. Ye 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0230. Evaluation of Parameterized Surface Fluxes with ARM Observations G. Liu; Y. Liu; T. Toto; M.P. Jensen; S. Endo 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0231. Drizzle Variability in Marine Stratocumulus in the Azores E.P. Luke; P. Kollias 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0232. Turbulence Induced Fluctuations in Cloud Saturation Ratio: Doppler Radar Measurements and Implications for Drizzle Formation R.L. McGraw; E.P. Luke; P. Kollias 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23A-0235. Parameterization of Ice Fall Speeds for Reducing Cloud Uncertainties in Climate Models S. Mishra; D.L. Mitchell; B.A. Baker; P. Lawson 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23B-0241. Validation of Airborne CO2 Laser Measurements E.V. Browell; J.T. Dobler; S. Kooi; M.A. Fenn; Y. Choi; S.A. Vay; F.W. Harrison; B. Moore; T.S. Zaccheo 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A23B-0242. Recent Pulsed Airborne Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 Column Absorption to 13 km Altitudes J.B. Abshire; H. Riris; G.R. Allan; C.j. Weaver; J. Mao; W. Hasselbrack; X. Sun; M.R. Rodriguez 1:40 pm, M-South

Wednesday, December 15

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
H34D. Understanding and Predicting Water and Energy Cycle Changes Using Multisensor Heterogeneous Data for Energy and Water Cycle
Research II
Oral (Invited) H34D-05. Investigation of the 2006 Drought and 2007 Flood Extremes at the Southern Great Plains Through an Integrative Analysis of Observations X. Dong; B. Xi; A.D. Kennedy; Z. Feng; J.K. Entin; P. Houser; R.A. Schiffer; T. L’Ecuyer; W.S. Olson; K. Hsu; T.W. Liu; B. Lin; Y. Deng; T. Jiang 3:15 pm,
M-West, 3002
Poster Sessions
Poster B31F-0374. Comparing Helicopter-based Eddy Flux Measurements with Highly Resolved Bottom-up Land Surface Model Predictions S.C. Biraud; W.J. Riley; M.S. Torn; R. Avissar; M.A. Bolch 8:00 am,
Poster H31B-1010. Role of Residual Layer in Controlling Diurnal ABL Evolution J. Yin; J.D. Albertson 8:00 am,

Thursday, December 16

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Poster Sessions
Poster A41E-0142. The Role of Aerosol Composition in Arctic Cloud Formation S.D. Brooks; N. Hiranuma; R. Moffet; A. Laskin; M.K. Gilles; A. Glen 8:00 am,
Poster A43B-0195. The Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Radiation A. Marquardt; M.A. Miller; V. Ghate 1:40 pm,
Poster A43B-0231. Comparing Information Content of Mid and Far Infrared Spectra for Clear-Sky Atmospheric Profile Retrievals A.J. Merrelli; D. Turner 1:40 pm,
Poster A43B-0232. Using MODIS Data to Detect the Presence of Ice Crystals in and above Super-Cooled Liquid Water Clouds over the Arctic D. Spangenberg; P. Minnis; R. Palikonda; F. Chang; M. Shupe 1:40 pm,

Friday, December 17

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A52B. Climate Processes and Other Research Applications Enabled by Satellite Sounders, Imagers, and Profilers II
Oral A52B-07. Optically thin ice clouds in Arctic: Formation processes C. Jouan; E. Girard; J. Pelon; J. Blanchet; W. Wobrock; I. Gultepe; J. Gayet; J. Delanoë; G. Mioche; R. Adam De Villiers 11:50 am, M-3004
Poster Sessions
Poster A51C-0122. Improved carbon dioxide characterization and estimates from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) S.S. Kulawik; J. Worden; R. Nassar; D.B. Jones; S.C. Wofsy; L.V. Gatti; J.B. Miller; M.L. Fischer; S.C. Biraud; T. Machida; H. Matsueda; Y. Sawa 8:00 am,
Poster A51D-0140. Using Boundary Layer Equilibrium to Reduce Uncertainties in CO2 Flux Inversions I.N. Williams; W.J. Riley; M.S. Torn; J.A. Berry; S.C. Biraud 8:00 am,
Poster A51D-0156. Retrieval of Boundary Layer Carbon Monoxide with the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) R.C. Wilson; J.X. Warner; L. Yurganov; Z. Wei 8:00 am,
Poster A53A-0195. Cloud Super-Cooled Liquid Water Estimation from Satellite Data J.K. Roskovensky; M. Ivey; W. Porch; N. Beavis; R. Herrman 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A53A-0197. On the Role of Ice Formation Mechanisms and Habit Growth in the Maintenance of Mixed Phase Arctic Stratus B. Ervens; G. Feingold; K.J. Sulia; J.Y. Harrington 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A53A-0198. The Variation of the Microphysical Properties of Arctic Stratus Clouds as a Function of Aerosol Concentration: Results from ISDAC G.M. McFarquhar; R. Jackson; P. Liu; M.E. Earle; S.D. Brooks 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A53A-0201. Intercomparison of Cloud Model simulations of Arctic Mixed-Phase Boundary Layer Stratus: Process Interactions, Self-Maintenance,
and Rapid Rransition Between States
H. Morrison; P. Zuidema; A.S. Ackerman; A. Avramov; G. de Boer; J. Fan; A.M. Fridlind; J.Y. Harrington; T. Hashino; Y. Luo; M. Ovchinnikov; B. Shipway 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A53A-0203. Estimation of Ice Activation Parameters within a Particle Tracking Lagrangian Cloud Model Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter to Match ISCDAC Golden Case Observations J.M. Reisner; M.K. Dubey 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A53E-0293. Evaluation of Cloud Fraction and Radiative Fluxes in Recent Reanalyses over the Arctic using Surface and Satellite Observations B. Zib; X. Dong; B. Xi; A.D. Kennedy 1:40 pm, M-South
Poster A53E-0296. A Comparison of MERRA and NARR Reanalyses with the DOE ARM SGP Continuous Forcing Data A.D. Kennedy; X. Dong; B. Xi; S. Xie; Y. Zhang; J. Chen 1:40 pm, M-South