Instrument : Radar Wind Profiler (50 MHz) (50RWP)

Note: 50rwp is currently inactive and/or retired.

Active Dates
1997.05.19 - 2006.05.04

Instrument Categories
Atmospheric Profiling

Picture of the Radar Wind Profiler and RASS (RWP50)
Picture of the Radar Wind Profiler and RASS (RWP50)

General Overview

The 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50) measures wind profiles from (nominally) 2 to 12 km and virtual temperature profiles from 2 to 4 km. It operates by transmitting electromagnetic energy into the atmosphere and measuring the strength and frequency of backscattered energy. Virtual temperatures are recovered by transmitting an acoustic signal vertically and measuring the electromagnetic energy scattered from the acoustic wavefront. The propagation speed of the acoustic wave is proportional to the square root of the virtual temperature. For more information on the operating system, see the 915 MHz RWP handbook.

Output Value-Added Products

This instrument is an input to the following value-added products, which provide improved measurements or derived quantities.

  • rwptemp : Radar Wind Profilers (RWP), 50 and 915 MHZ: virtual temperature profiles

Output Datastreams

  • 50rwptemp : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): virtual temperature profile data
  • 50rwptempcon : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): consensus temperature data
  • 50rwptempmom : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RSP50): temperature moments
  • 50rwptempspec : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): temperature spectra
  • 50rwpwind : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): wind profile data
  • 50rwpwindcon : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): consensus wind data
  • 50rwpwindmom : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): wind moments
  • 50rwpwindspec : 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler/RASS (RWP50): wind spectra

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant.


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)