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Images. data and information for the Southern Hemisphere

Constructing a model of ppbv of surface ozone

Constructing a model of ppbv of surface ozone This activity is associated with studies of surface ozone but can serve studies of stratospheric ozone as well. The purpose of the activity is to construct a model that will provide students with a visual representation of parts per billion. Students work in teams to construct cubes of different volumes and to compare them to get a feel for parts per million by volume and parts per billion by volume. The intended outcome is that students gain a feeling for the small quantities of gases, such as ozone, present in the Earth's atmosphere.

Grade level: Middle (6-8), High (9-12)

UV menace

UV menace UV Menace is one module among several on-line, problem-based modules developed by NASA's Classroom of the Future. Students evaluate the latest status of the Montreal Protocol and determine if it adequately considers the interrelationship of Earth's spheres. To do this, they must investigate how an event in one sphere may have an effect in a second sphere, which may, in turn, affect a third sphere. Students must be prepared to defend their recommendations.

Grade level: Middle (6-8), High (9-12)

Ozone depletion

Ozone depletion Ozone depletion information from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The site contains sections on ozone science, the regulatory approach to protecting the ozone layer, and educational information on sun safety.

Grade level: Middle (6-8), High (9-12), Informal, General public

The ozone hole tour

The ozone hole tour A University of Cambridge (UK) site that describes the discovery of the ozone hole and the science of the ozone hole.

Grade level: Middle (6-8), High (9-12), Informal, General public

Earth update

Earth Update Earth Update is a graphical interface, distributed via CD-ROM, which allows access to Earth science information, animations, and games. It is organized by spheres—atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere. Each sphere contains libraries of hot topics, general topics, and updatable images that can be updated over the internet, as well as who, what, and why sections. Each module can stand alone or run as a linked system. It includes three interactive educational games.

Grade level: Middle (6-8), High (9-12), College (13-14), Informal

Global atmosphere watch

Global atmosphere watch World Meteorological Organization Antarctic Ozone Bulletins 2000–present.

Grade level: High (9-12), College (13-16)

International ozone-layer assessments

International ozone-layer assessments A NOAA Aeronomy lab site that contains information on the international assessments of ozone depletion. High level documents for scientists and policy makers.

Grade level: High (9-12), College (13-16)

Stratospheric ozone

Stratospheric ozone Studying Earth's Environment from Space (SEES) includes a module on Stratospheric Ozone. The module is designed to increase the use of satellite data in science classrooms by providing lecture materials in HTML for the classroom (including full-color, printable graphics) that are linked to guided-inquiry computer exercises.

Grade level: High (9-12), College (13-16)

Ozone in the stratosphere

Ozone in the stratosphere Most ozone resides in the stratosphere, where it acts as a shield to protect Earth's surface from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. With a weakening of this shield, we would be more susceptible to skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems.

Grade level: All

Measuring ozone from Space Shuttle Columbia

Measuring ozone from Space Shuttle Columbia New remote-sensing technology called limb viewing allows observation of the atmosphere from the side rather than straight down, as with current earth observation satellites. From the side, the layers of the atmosphere appear like layers in a cake, allowing instruments like SOLSE-2 to see the lower layers of the stratosphere. A successful science mission by the Space Shuttle Columbia crew before their tragic loss during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere established limb-viewing as a valid approach to studying Earth's ozone.

Grade level: All

Tango in the Atmosphere: Ozone & climate change

Tango in the Atmosphere Over recent decades the stratosphere has cooled while stratospheric ozone has decreased. Low temperatures could be causing further ozone depletion, which may delay recovery of the ozone layer.

Grade level: All

A violent Sun affects Earth's ozone

A violent Sun affects Earth's ozone Massive solar flares that erupted during July, 2000 emitted high energy protons which stripped away some of the ozone in the Earth's atmosphere.

Grade level: All