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2012 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings

Competitor Resources

Are you ready to go head-to-head with thousands of other buildings in a national battle to reduce your energy waste? Read on for tips to help you energize your community, and keep scrolling down for all the details and resources you’ll need to promote your participation in the Battle of the Buildings!

Tips for Promoting Your Participation

Resources & Materials to Get Started

Post Photos on Flickr

Show us your story by posting photos of your energy team in action on our Flickr album! Not sure what to post? A group photo of your energy team, a picture of your competing building, or an action shot with your occupants or community are all great ideas. To participate:

  • Log in to Flickr at www.flickr.com Exit ENERGY STAR using your Yahoo, GMail, or Facebook account. (If you don’t have an account, set one up at no cost by clicking on “Sign Up Now” on the Flickr landing page, and then clicking the “Create New Account” button on the pop-up window.)
  • Upload the photo to your Photostream. Don’t forget to add a description!
  • Go to www.flickr.com/groups/battleofthebuildings Exit ENERGY STAR and join as a group member.
  • Upload your photos to the group album.

Add the Competition Graphic on Your Website

Place the 2012 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition web button on your organization’s internet and intranet sites to promote your involvement.


  1. Click on a file name below.
  2. On the next screen, right-click the new, larger image and select "Save Image As..." to download.
  3. Send that graphic file to your organization's webmaster. Ask him or her to place the graphic on your website and link it to: www.energystar.gov/BattleOfTheBuildings.

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Hang Competition Banners on Your Building

Make sure all of your employees, visitors, customers, and passers-by know about your participation in EPA’s National Building Competition. Create and display the 2012 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition contestant banners and posters in prominent places at your facility site—the entranceway, the main reception area, and employee breakrooms are great choices! Design your own or choose from one of our designs below.


  1. Download the file(s) you want from the list below.
  2. Put the file(s) on a thumbdrive or CD and take it to your local printer or copy center. Ask to have it made into a 60" x 36" banner that you can hang at your building. Estimated costs are $200-600 for outdoor banners; $100-400 for indoor banners.

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Print and Hang Posters around Your Building

Generate excitement among employees, students, and tenants with these printer-ready poster designs. Simply take the artwork file(s) to your local printer or copy center and ask to have it made into posters that you can hang in hallways, breakrooms, elevators, restrooms...anywhere that your employees, students, or tenants might see them!


  1. Download the file(s) you want from the list below.
  2. Put the file(s) on a thumbdrive or CD and take it to your local printer or copy center. Ask to have it made into 36" x 24" posters. Estimated costs are $30-70 per poster.

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Plan an Event

Check out these ideas for promoting your participation PDF (127KB) in the ENERGY STAR National Building Competition, including large and small ways to share your participation with your colleagues, employees, customers, and community.

Issue a Press Release & Incorporate Talking Points

Download and customize this template press release Word document and share it with your local and regional media contacts and relevant trade publications and organizations. Check out the competition talking points PDF (118KB) and incorporate them in any upcoming interviews or presentations you may have.

Get Social on Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube

Get the skinny on how you can participate in the competition’s social media efforts, including Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube, as well as ideas and inspiration from the competition Social Media Guide PDF (169KB).

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

  • Send a blast email Word document.
  • Include an article Word document in your next newsletter.
  • Customize and insert competition slides Power Point Presentation in your presentations.
  • Write a letter Word document to officials and other stakeholders to ask for support.