Incident Statistics and Summaries 1996-2012 ytd

This page provides access to general statistics and summaries of OCS incidents reported to the Bureau. Follow the links below to view the following incidents by year:

OCS Spills ≥ 50 Barrels by Category:

Older OCS Incidents/Spills by Category:

OCS Incidents/Spills by Category: CY 2007 – 2012 ytd
TYPE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 ytd
FATALITIES 5 0 11 0 4 0 12 0 3 0 1  0
INJURIES *** # 423 17 318 14 285 16 273 12 213  18  141  12 
LOSS OF WELL CONTROL *** 7 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 3  0 1   0
FIRES/EXPLOSIONS 110 8 139 12 133 12 126 4 102   2   71   3
COLLISIONS *** 20 1 22 0 29 0 8 0 14   0 7   0
SPILLS ≥ 50 bbls 4 0 5 0 11 0 6 0 3  0 4   0
OTHER *** 268  27 278  36 308   28   155  17   186  15   96   26  
INCIDENT TOTAL FOR THE YEAR 837  53 781  62 776   56   584  33   524  35  321  41 
COMBINED TOTAL FOR THE YEAR 890  843  832  617  559  362 

ytd = Year To Date

NOTE: Incidents may be counted in more than one category. For example, a fire resulting in an injury would be counted in both the fire and injury category.

*** Effective July 17, 2006, BOEMRE revised the regulations for Incident Reporting. Related to this chart, changes were made to the reporting criteria for Injuries, Loss of Well Control incidents, Collisions, and Other Incidents. Thus the number of incidents shown in these categories for 2006 and beyond may be affected by this change when compared to previous years.

# Effective July 17, 2006, BOEMRE required that injuries be reported if the injured person was evacuated from the facility for medical treatment or in the injury resulted in one or more days away from work, restricted work, or job transfer. The numbers of injuries shown on this chart include: 1) Injuries that resulted in one or more days away from work, restricted work, or job transfer and 2) Minor injuries that required medical treatment, but did not result in any days away from work, restricted work, or job transfer.

SOURCE: BSEE Database as of August 2012

MMS Published Reports

Incidents Associated with Oil and Gas Operations from 1956-2000 (all in PDF)