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LeAnn Jenkins

Executive Director

LeAnn Jenkins has thirty-six years of federal government service and has been the Executive Director of Oklahoma's Federal Executive Board since April 1994.

Prior to the Federal Executive Board, Ms. Jenkins held positions at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, the Office of Personnel Management and the Civil Service Commission.

Due to events in Oklahoma City in 1995, the role of Federal Executive Boards during times of crisis was defined.  Since 1995, she has served as a keynote speaker at various federal training events regarding emergency response and the role taken by the Federal Executive Board to assist federal and state agencies, employees, and families after the 1995 attack on the Federal Building. She facilitates/coordinates an interagency group, which developed an Emergency Preparedness handbook for federal agencies in 1999 and was updated in 2002. This handbook has been utilized nation-wide by numerous agencies and by fellow Federal Executive Boards to distribute to federal agencies in their geographic area.  Since that time, the group continues to work on Continuity of Operation issues, Pandemic Influenza and planning so as to reduce the impact on the government workforce.

Ms. Jenkins has a Bachelors Degree in the Management of Human Resources from Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, OK and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. 

Her awards include an AFLC "People In Action" Award, a Public Service Award from the Oklahoma City Mayor's Committee of Disability Concerns, and the Air Force Distinguished EEO Award. She has received a Distinguished Public Service Award from the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration; the Jack Niles Medal of Honor Award for Public Service from the Public Employees Roundtable; the Exemplary Civilian Service Award and the Meritorious Civilian Service Award issued by the United States Air Force and three certificates from the Vice President's National Performance Review for reinvention efforts. She has been named in the International Who's Who of Public Service, the International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women, the United Who's Who Registry and the Premier Who's Who of Outstanding Professionals.

Ms. Jenkins' community involvement has included the Oklahoma City Memorial Foundation Board, Oklahoma City Resource Coordination Committee, Water Garden Society of Oklahoma, and Community Council of Central Oklahoma.  Current community activities include: Oklahoma City Mayor's Committee of Disability Concerns, Society of Government Meeting Professionals, American Society of Public Administration, and the National Association of Female Executives. She volunteers for the Federal Employees Education & Assistance Fund; "Making the Grade", a Youth Employment Taskforce; serves on the Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City's Public Service Academic Program Advisory Committee, and on the Board of Editors for The Public Manager Magazine.

LeAnn has two adult children and three grandchildren.

S. Nichole James

Executive Assistant

Nichole James came to the Oklahoma Federal Executive Board in May of 2012 with 4 years of federal government service.

Prior to the Federal Executive Board, Ms. James held positions at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center and the 552 Air Base Wing, both located at Tinker Air Force Base, OK.  Prior to her federal service, Ms. James was active duty in the US Air Force as a Navigator on the E-3 AWACS at Tinker Air Force Base, OK. 

Ms. James has a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Idaho, Moscow, ID and has recently completed her Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. 




  Last modified: 07/26/11