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Defense Acquisition Guidebook Key Changes



The Defense Acquisition Guidebook has been significantly revised. Revisions include new or revised business practice associated with the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act, the Better Buying Power initiatives, implementation of the Improving Milestone Process Effectiveness policy, and requirements based on various Directive Type Memorandums. In addition, new chapters have been added for Business Systems, Program Protection, and Acquisitions of Services.

The home page for the Guidebook has been re-designed to provide easier access to the chapters and the acquisition framework models. The Milestone Document Identification (MDID) tool will reside on the Guidebook home page. The MDID tool been updated and an MDID tool specifically related to Defense Business Systems requirements will subsequently be added.

The table below provides a chapter by chapter summary of key changes to the Guidebook. Hotlinks embedded in the summary will take you directly to the revised/new business practice.

Our enduring objective is to provide you with information that will improve your ability to manage your programs. We look forward to your feedback.

1 Identified the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) to lead the overall planningprocess in the PPBE 1.2 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
1 Recognized the role of the Combatant Commands in the PPBE programming process 1.2 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
1 Replaced the Program Budget Decision (PBD) process with the Resource Management Decision (RMD) process in the PPBE budgeting process 1.2 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
1 Deleted material regarding the Biennial Budget Process in the PPBE execution process 1.2 Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Process
1 Eliminated Information Technology Acquisition Boards (ITABs) and moved ACAT 1A programs under the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) structure for review. 1.4. Defense Acquisition System
1 Addressed the expanded role of the combatant commanders as members of the JROC and designation of certain DoD civilian officials as advisors to the JROC in accordance with Section 841 of FY11 NDAA 1.4. Defense Acquisition System
2 Replacement of entire chapter--based upon the Technology Development Strategy/Acquisition Strategy (TDS/AS) Outline approved by the PDUSD(AT&L), Mr. Frank Kendall.Emphasis on streamlining--descriptions minimized & data emphasized where feasible.Containsinformational notes and considerations to assist in building a TDS or an AS for a specific phase.Increased focus on solid business & contracting strategy.(Throughout Chapter 2) Chapter 2 Program Strategies
3 Updates Affordability section to reflect requirements in Better Buying Power memorandum. 3.2. Affordability
3 Updates process for development and review of AoA study guidance and AoA study plan. 3.3.2. Role of the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) as Part of the Materiel Solution Analysis
3 Addresses confidence level requirements pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Section 2334(d) as amended by NDAA 2011. 3.4.1. Independent Cost Estimates
3 Addresses 10 U.S.C. Section 2334(b) requirement that DCAPE review all MDAP and MAIS program cost estimates and analyses. 3.4.2. DoD Component Cost Estimates
3 Consolidates cost and software data reporting information from Chapter 10 into Chapter 3. Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR)
3 Deletes reference to CAIV. 3.2.4 Deleted
4 Added Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineeringauthority with regard to Major Defense Acquisition Programs, Major Automated Information Systems, and Defense Business Systems, including the review and approval of Systems Engineering Plans (SEPs), to reflect the August 19, 2011, DoDI 5134.16, "Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (DASD(SE))" which was triggered by the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA) of 2009 4.0.3. DoD Policy and Guidance on Systems Engineering
4 Defined Systems Engineering's role in Better Buying Power initiatives of affordability, competition, and will cost/should cost goals based on the August 24 2011, USD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Should-cost and Affordability" and November 3, 2010 USD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Implementation Directive for Better Buying Power - Obtaining Greater Efficiency and Productivity in Defense Spending" 4.1.1. SE in DoD Acquisition Alternative Systems Review
4 Added the role of the Program Lead Systems Engineer as a Key Leadership Position based on the August 25, 2010 USD(AT&L) Memorandum, Government Performance of Critical Acquisition Functions Lead or Chief Systems Engineer
4 Added Development Planning and preparation for the Materiel Development Decision based on DTM 10-017, "Development Planning to Inform Materiel Development Decision (MDD) Reviews and Support Analyses of Alternatives AoA)" Systems Engineering Support to Program Formulation - Development Planning and Preparations for Materiel Development Decision (MDD)
4 Incorporated new policy requirements mandating competitive prototyping and conducting the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) before Milestone B from Directive Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-027, "Implementation of the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009" Alternative Systems Review Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
4 Updatedguidance to reflect the new Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Outline emphasizing critical thinking and the importance of Technical Performance Measures (TPMs) during the Technology Development Phase as directed in the April 20, 2011 PDUSD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Document Streamlining - Program Strategies and Systems Engineering Plan" Develop System Functional Specifications and Verifcation Plan to Evolve System Functional Baseline
4.5.1. Systems Engineering Plan (SEP)
4 Updated the post-Critical Design Review (CDR) assessment for MDAPs and PDR/CDR assessment and reporting requirements based on the February 24, 2011 PDUSD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Expected Business Practice: Post-Critical Design Review Reports and Assessments" Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Report Critical Design Review (CDR)
4 Updated guidance on Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA), based on May 11, 2011 USD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Improving Technology Readiness Assessment Effectiveness" and removed TRA from the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase Technology Readiness Assessment (deleted Technology Readiness Assessment)
4 Added section on the Pre-Engineering and Manufacturing Development (Pre-EMD) Review based on the June 23, 2011 PDUSD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Improving Milestone Process Effectiveness" Pre-EMD Review
4 Updated the Program Protection section based on the July 18, 2011 PDUSD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Document Streamlining - Program Protection Plan (PPP)" and added link to new DAG Chapter 13 on Program Protection Planning 4.4.13. Program Protection
4 Updated the section on the Assessment of Manufacturing Readiness to comply with Section 812 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 Assessment of Manufacturing Readiness
4 Revamped the Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability section to address Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) engineering program, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Cost (RAM-C) Rationale Report, and Reliability Growth based on DTM 11-003, "Reliability Analysis, Planning, Tracking, and Reporting" 4.4.15. Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (R&M) Engineering
4 Added section on SE Trade-Off Analysis based on the November 3, 2010 USD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Implementation Directive for Better Buying Power - Obtaining Greater Efficiency and Productivity in Defense Spending" 4.4.22. Affordability, Trade-Offs, and Competition
4 Updated the Program Support Review section based on the June 23, 2011 PDUSD(AT&L) Memorandum, "Improving Milestone Process Effectiveness" Program Support Review (PSR)
5 Standardized terms based on Better Buying Power initiative and recent DTMs.Included changing "Logistics Element" to "Product Support Element" and "Total Ownership Cost" to "LCC" or "Operating & Support Costs" depending on the use. Throughout chapter 5
5 Emphasis on Product Support Strategy and Product Support Manager due to DTM 10-015 Product Support, The Program Manager's Role in Life-Cycle Sustainment, Product Support Manager,
and 5.1.5. Contracting for Sustainment
5 Programs report and monitor Operations & Support Costs as part of the Ownership Cost KSA due to JCIDS update Sustainment Metrics
5 Updated LCSP portion to reflect PDUSD(AT&L)-approved Life Cycle Sustainment Plan Outline published 14 Sep 2011 Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP)
5 Added information on Product Support BCA based on DTM 10-015 5.2.2. Life-Cycle Costs (LCC) and Product Support Business Case Analysis (BCA)
5 Describes what a Milestone A LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) outline approved by the PDUSD(AT&L), Mr. Frank Kendall. Links to LCSP web site with additional paragraph by paragraph discussion on expectations. Materiel Solution Analysis Phase Results/Exit Criteria
5 Describes what a Milestone B LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets approved by the PDUSD(AT&L) relative to establishing sustainment related "design-to" requirements. Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan
5 Describes what a Milestone C LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets relative to developing the Product Support Package. Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan
5 Describes what a Post-Milestone C LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets relative to fielding the Product Support Package. Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan
5 Describes what an LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets approved by the PDUSD(AT&L) once the system is operationally deployed. Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan
5 Deleted information on Technical Data rights since not PSM responsibility. 5.1.6. Technical Data, Computer Software, and Intellectual Property Rights
5 Added reference to recently published Logistics Assessment Guidebook with short description 5.5.1. Handbooks and Guides
7 DoD IEA updatedattributes are provided through a link without referencing a specific version. 7.2. DoD Information Enterprise
7 DoD Architecture Framework updated for reflect DoDAF 2.0 ViewPoints. 7.2. DoD Information Enterprise
7 Removed EISP tool guidebook instructions and added new ISP process timeliness chart to describe pre-EMD revision in DAS. Information Support Plan (ISP) Integration into the Acquisition Life Cycle
7 Added DoD Strategy for operating in CyberSpace DoD Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace
7 Removed AI AS template details and added link to sample IA AS Template IA Integration into the Acquisition Life Cycle Before Milestone B
7 Added Space Mission Architecture Section 7.11 Space Mission Architectures
7 Global removal of reference to ASD(NII) due to its disestablishment Chapter 7 All Sections
8 The subject of Program Protection was removed from Chapter 8, and a new chapter was developed to address the subject. Throughout Chapter 8.
See also Chapter 13. Program Protection
8 Updated guidance regardingthe System Threat Assessment Report and System Threat Assessment 8.1.2. System Threat Assessment Report (STAR)/System Threat Assessment (STA)
8 Provided new section addressing intelligence mission data to include required actions for each acquisition phase. 8.2. Signature and other Intelligence Mission Data Support
9 Modified the format of Chapter 9 to better reflect the role of T&E in acquisition. Throughout Chapter 9
9 Added section on Developmental T&E based on section 139b of Title 10 9.1.3. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental Test and Evaluation
9 Added OSD and Component T&E Executive information with hyperlinks so PMs and AOs can easily access organizational information. 9.1.3. through 9.2. T&E Management
9 Added hyperlinks and names/dates for key T&E documents/websites Throughout Chapter 9
9 Updated all out of date documents Throughout Chapter 9
9 Took out references to ASD/NII Throughout Chapter 9
9 Made significant revisions to the 'Integrated Testing' section 9.4. Integrated Test and Evaluation
9 Included a chart on "Improving Milestone Effectiveness" Figure 9.5.3.F1: Key T&E Processes across the Lifecycle – T&E Perspective
9 Added a section on 'Evaluation Framework' Evaluation Framework
9 Added a table that provides the key inputs within the TEMP Evaluation Framework
9 Added additional information on the 'Joint Mission Environment' How to use the Joint Mission Environment
9 Added information from Section 835 of the FY12 NDAA establishing the Lead DT&E Organization and the Chief Developmental Tester 9.7.14. FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 835
9 Established a hyperlink to the DAU Best Practices Clearinghouse 9.8. Best Practices
9 Added section 9.9 on Prioritizing the use of Government test factilities for T&E 9.9. Prioritizing Use of Government Test Facilities for T&E
10 Modifies major decision points;Adds the Pre-EMD review 10.1.1. Types of Decision Points
10 Added Defense Business System (DBS) Decision Points identifying the phases of the Business Capability Lifecycle model Defense Business Systems Decision Points
10 Provided modified MDAP MS A certification section 2366a requirements, adding requirement to address core depot-level maintenance and repair capability, and revised MS A Certification Memo Milestone A Certification Requirements
10 Provided modified MDAP MS B certification section 2366b requirements, adding requirement to address life-cycle sustainment planning and estimates for core depot-level maintenance and repair capability, and revised MS B Certification Memo Milestone B Certification Requirements
10 Established DAB as the the principal review forum for ACAT IAM programs. 10.2.1. Defense Acquisition Board (DAB)
10 Addressed DAB presentation requirements, Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) coordiation and tracking,and preparation for DAB reviews to include a timeline, the DAB Planning Meeting (DPM), and DAB Readiness Meeting (DRM). Conduct of Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) Reviews Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) Readiness Meeting (DRM)
10 Removed the Information Technology Acquisition Board as a acquisition review board.
10 Added information on the role of the Defense Business System Management Committee (DBSMC). 10.2.4. Defense Business System Management Committee (DBSMC)
10 Added information on the role of Investment Review Boards to review Defense Business Systems. 10.2.5. Investment Review Boards (IRBs)
10 Provides revised guidance for the timing and conduct of Preliminary Design Reviews and the post-PDR assessments for programs less than MDAPs. 10.5.3. Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Review and Assessment
and 10.5.4. Post-Preliminary Design Review (Post-PDR) Assessment Decision Review
10 Added section on Performance Assessments and Root Cause Analyses satisfying requirements established by Public Law 111-23 (Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009) 10.5.7. Performance Assessments and Root Cause Analyses (PARCA)
10 Incorporated information on the Acquisition Program Baseline previously addressed in Chapter 2. 10.9. Acquisition Program Baseline (APB)
10 Updated Acquisition Program Baseline requirements to include information pertaining to increments and sub-programs. 10.9.4.Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) for an Evolutionary Acquisition Program
10 Changed "program development cost" to "total acquisition cost" Table 10.11.T1
and Significant Change Thresholds
10 Changed the description of what should be included in the FDD ADM Ending the Requirement to Report
10 Introduced the use of the DAMIR tool to create the MAR Preparing the Report
and Submitting the Report
10 Introduced the use of the DAMIR tool to create the MQR MQR Form and Contents
10 Changed "ASD(NII)" to "DoD CIO" to reflect that ASD(NII) no longer exists Various places throughout 10.11
10 Replaced "funds first obligated" to "Milestone A decision, or if there is no MS A decision, the date the preferred alternative was selected" to reflect sec. 811 of the FY12 NDAA" Critical Change Thresholds
and 5-Year-to-FDD Threshold
10 Added treatment of ACAT III programs graduating to MAIS programs Failed to Achieve an FDD
10 Deleted Funds First Obligated paragraph and replaced it with 5-Year Development Clock Start Date paragraph (moved Funds First Obligated paragraph to MAR Rarely Asked Questions) 5-Year Development Clock Start Date
10 Added a formula for counting the days lost to a bid protest during the 5-Year Development Clock period 5-Year Development Clock Start Date
10 Added coverage for ACAT IAC programs regarding triage meetings during Critical Change Report preparation Critical Change Triage Team
10 Added coverage for ACAT IAC programs regarding IPT membership during Critical Change Report preparation IPT Membership and Focus
10 Changed "baseline," "baseline MAR" and "APB" to "Original Estimate" Various places throughout 10.11
10 Clarified that, until the next MAR, PM’s should provide APB approval status or variance status in the MQR Program Status section, when the APB needs to be updated. Status of the Critical Change Report Estimate
10 Expanded information on Defense Acquisition Executive Summary submission and review process 10.12. Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES)
10 Added section to address the concepts and capabilities of the on-going acquisition visibility efforts. 10.13. Acquisition Visibility
10 Added section to address the relationship of Affordabiltity and Should-Cost including material on Affordability as a Requirement and the procedures for addressing Should-Cost. 10.15. Relationship of Affordability and Should-Cost
10 Added section to address Should-Cost a tool to manage all costs throughout the lifecycle and operate in parallel with the effort to constrain our requirements appetites in order to control the final product unit and sustainment costs. 10.15.2. Should-Cost
10 Adopted from Chapter 11 and updated section on conducting Acquisition Program Transition Workshops for ACAT ID and IAM programs. 10.16. Acquisition Program Transition Workshops (APTW)
11 Removed subject matter that was duplicated in other chapters or no longer applicable 11.0.2 Contents
11 Added new material addressing Technology Security & Export Control to Figure International Cooperative Considerations During Acquisition. Figure
11 Added reference to Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense memorandum, dated April 22, 2011, SUBJECT: Document Streamlining - Program Strategies and Systems Engineering Plan, providing required outlines for milestone document preparation, including one for international involvement, section 10. Link to PDUSD(AT&L) memorandum
11 Added section on the new Defense Exportability Features (DEF) Pilot Program, as established in the fiscal year 2011 National Defense Authorization Act. International Considerations within the Acquisition Management Framework - Pre-Systems Acquisition
11 Expanded section on Technology Transfer & Foreign Disclosure (TS&FD) and added reference to new TS&FD Office. Section International Aspects of Program Protection
11 Added new OUSD(AT&L) responsibility:Oversees the DEF pilot program to include technology protection features during research and development of defense systems under 10 USC 2358 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSD(AT&L)) Oversight
11 Added the role of the Office of Performance Assessment and Root Cause Analysis (PARCA) and revised Earned Value Management, Integrated Master Schedule, Contract Performance Reqporting, and Contract Funds Status Reporting management and reporting requirements. 11.3 Integrated Program Management
12 NEW CHAPTER - Business Capability Life Cycle (BCL):Provides guidance for executing the BCL and acquisition of defense business systems (DBS).BCL is the overarching framework for the planning, design, acquisition, deployment, operations, maintenance, and modernization of DBS. Chapter 12
13 NEW CHAPTER - Program Protection:Provides guidance and expectations for the major activities associated with Program Protection. Chapter 13
14 NEW CHAPTER - Acquisition of Services:Provides acquisition teams with a disciplined, three-phase, seven step process, for the acquisition of services. Chapter 14

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Date CreatedThursday, August 23, 2012 3:42 PM
Date ModifiedThursday, November 1, 2012 4:50 PM
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