
Office of Senator Deb Fischer Intern Program

Thank you for your interest in interning with the Office of Senator Deb Fischer. An internship with our office will provide you with first-hand experience of Senate operations and the political process.

An internship with our office will provide you with first-hand experience of Senate operations and the political process. Depending on your assigned location in the office, your responsibilities may include: leading U.S. Capitol Tours, processing constituent correspondence, attending briefings and committee hearings, compiling press clips, tracking legislation, monitoring Senate floor proceedings, drafting correspondence, assisting constituents with federal casework, and conducting legislative research. Interns are given the opportunity to participate in the daily operations of the office and to learn more about the legislative process. The Senator wants you to get the most out of your internship. We will do our best to assign you to different areas in the office.

Internships are available throughout the year in the Washington, D.C. office and the Nebraska offices. Please note that internships are available to all students; however, priority is given to Nebraskans and also students attending a Nebraska University/College. The selection process is competitive, so submit your packet as early as possible.

Please fill out the Internship Application Form and submit it to any of Senator Fischer's offices for consideration.

Available Internship Sessions Application Due Date
Fall:         September-December July 15
Spring:     January-April November 15
Summer:  May-August March 15