Community Engagement in NIAID’s HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks

Future Directions for NIAID HIV Research. Consider and Comment

Since early in the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has involved community representatives and advocates in the research process.   The nature and scope of the community’s involvement have grown over the years, but the rationale behind these efforts remains the same:  the people who might benefit from the research…

New Media Round-Up

Red Ribbon Week Calendar

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you probably know that planning is a very important part of our approach to new media. What you might not know is that we often plan our blog posts, particularly those about new media, weeks in advance. We believe strongly in the importance of planning—but we…

Addressing the HIV Epidemic among Gay and Bisexual Men

In 1981, our nation and its public health system were grappling with a new disease that was taking the lives of gay men across the United States. Thirty years later, HIV/AIDS continues to be a crisis among gay and bisexual men. The latest data show men who have sex with men (MSM) remain most affected…

National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Richard Sorien

For many Americans, June 5th was a day of introspection. It was hard to believe that, as of that date, the AIDS epidemic had lasted 30 years and, despite the remarkable advances we have made in medicine, prevention, and care, we are still facing many of the same challenges we did in the early days…

Why This Year’s U.S. Conference on AIDS Is So Essential

USCA 2011 Banner

Written by Paul Kawata, Executive Director, National Minority AIDS Council

I believe that this year’s United States Conference on AIDS (November 10-13) in Chicago, is one of the most important in our history. Our movement is at a crossroads as we work to implement the Affordable Care Act and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. We can

Op-Ed: Fighting AIDS—At the Tipping Point


Co-authored by Ambassador Mark Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator (2006-2009); inaugural global health fellow, the George W. Bush Institute.

Thirty years since the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in the United States, the world finds itself at a tipping point in the fight against this deadly disease. For the first time, grounded in scientific

Monitoring and Evaluating our Communication Channels

Communications Channel Assessment

When it comes to social media, how do you measure and monitor your reach? It’s a tough question, and one we often ask ourselves at Across our communication channels (the website, blog, Twitter , Facebook , YouTube, mobile, and more), we strive to provide quality information about the federal government and HIV/AIDS on…

41st Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 2011 Annual Legislative Conference

Congressional Black Caucus 2011 Annual Legislative Conference

From September 21-24, thousands of Americans, elected officials, business and industry leaders, and media will gather for the 41st Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) 2011 Annual Legislative  Conference (ALC) in Washington, D.C. This year’s theme of the four-day event is “iLead | iServe”, highlighting the value and impact of leadership and services within the community….

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