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Agent Destruction Status
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Success Stories
  • Schofield Barracks, Hawaii (2008)
  • Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (2004)
  • Fort McClellan, Alabama (2003)
  • Fort Richardson, Alaska (2003)
  • Spring Valley, Washington, D.C. (2003 and 2010)
  • Former Camp Sibert, Alabama (2002)
  • Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado (2001)
  • Deseret Chemical Depot, Utah (2001)
  • Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas (2006-2010)
  • Redstone Arsenal, Alabama (2010)
  • Fort Benning, Georgia (2006)
  • Fort Bragg, North Carolina (2007)
  • Redstone Arsenal, Alabama (2009)
  • Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas (2005-2006)
  • Dover Air Force Base, Delaware (2004-2009)

    Schofield Barracks, Hawaii (2008)

    In summer 2008, the U.S. Army Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Project (NSCMP) managed destruction of recovered chemical warfare materiel (RCWM) at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. NSCMP was tasked by the office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health, DASA (ESOH), to provide operational planning and testing of the Transportable Detonation Chamber (TDC) TC-60. The TDC explosively treats RCWM on site in a blast containment vessel, while capturing any vapor with redundant air filtration systems. Operators treated the last of the 71 recovered items on July 30, with an outstanding safety and environmental record. Operations were enhanced by NSCMP’s assessment of the items, which aided in safe handling and storage.

    Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico (2004)

    NSCMP operators treated eight CAIS ampoules using the SCANS at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., in September 2004. Prior to the SCANS mission, NSCMP deployed the Raman Spectrometer to assess the items, identified as diluted mustard or lewisite agent. The assessment also identified seven ampoules of industrial chemicals, disposed of separately as hazardous waste by Holloman AFB.

    Fort McClellan, Alabama (2003)

    The U.S Army Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Project (NSCMP) performed its first Single CAIS Access and Neutralization System (SCANS) treatment of a Chemical Agent Identification Set (CAIS) item at Fort McClellan, Ala. in December 2003. Prior to treatment, the Raman Spectrometer, an assessment system developed by NSCMP, evaluated the item and identified it as chemical agent.

    Fort Richardson, Alaska (2003)

    In July 2003, NSCMP completed RRS operations at Fort Richardson, Alaska. The RRS treated seven CAIS items, and decontaminated 14 containers whose contents varied from broken glass pieces to 34 empty CAIS bottles.

    Spring Valley, Washington, D.C. (2003 and 2010)

    In 2001 workers recovered 15 World War I-era chemical munitions during the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) investigation and cleanup of the Spring Valley area in Washington, D.C. Around World War I, the site housed one of the first U.S. chemical weapons testing sites. In May 2003, NSCMP deployed the EDS to Spring Valley, successfully destroying the 15 mustard-filled munitions – six of them explosively configured. Starting April 2010, NSCMP began another recovered chemical warfare destruction operation at Spring Valley using the EDS. The EDS finished the destruction of 23 items May 2010, five of which were chemical-filled, that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recovered at the Formerly Used Defense Site.

    Former Camp Sibert, Alabama (2002)

    In fall 2002, NSCMP deployed the EDS to a formerly used defense site at Camp Sibert, Ala. At Camp Sibert, the EDS disposed of an armed and fuzed phosgene-filled 4.2-inch mortar found in a farmer’s field, formerly Camp Sibert land.

    Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado (2001)

    The Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Project’s (NSCMP) first Explosive Destruction System (EDS) mission proved successful as operators safely destroyed 10 sarin-filled recovered bomblets in 2001 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colo.

    Deseret Chemical Depot, Utah (2001)

    In its first mission of the Rapid Response System (RRS), the U.S. Army Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Project (NSCMP) treated approximately 700 items stored at Deseret Chemical Depot, Utah. The RRS is a mobile system designed to safely treat recovered Chemical Agent Identification Set (CAIS) items, which include glass vials, bottles and ampoules containing up to four ounces of chemical agent, once used to train Soldiers to safely identify and decontaminate chemical warfare agents. The operation began in fall 2000 and finished in early 2001.

    Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas (2006-2010)

    In June 2006, the EDS began a mission at Pine Bluff Arsenal (PBA), Ark., to dispose of more than 1,200 recovered chemical items, including more than 400 German Traktor rockets, captured during World War II. In April 2010, operators destroyed the last munition in its inventory — marking the destruction of all non-stockpile chemical materiel declared prior to the United States’ entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    Redstone Arsenal, Alabama (2010)

    In July 2010, NSCMP deployed the EDS to Redstone Arsenal, Ala. to destroy several munitions with the industrial fills FM and FS smoke, recovered through arsenal remediation activities.

    Fort Benning, Georgia (2006)

    NSCMP destroyed 38 recovered CAIS bottles in SCANS between Nov. 11-16, 2006 at Fort Benning, Ga.

    Fort Bragg, North Carolina (2007)

    NSCMP destroyed 24 CAIS ampoules May 4-5, 2007 at Fort Bragg, N.C. using SCANS.

    Redstone Arsenal, Alabama (2009)

    Operators completed the safe treatment of one recovered CAIS items using the SCANS in May 2009. The items were discovered in overpack containers, known as “pigs,” during environmental monitoring on post. NSCMP assessed the containers using X-ray technology called the Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography System. The X-rays revealed the overpacks contained more than 20 CAIS K941 bottles, while only one bottle was found to be viable.

    Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas (2005-2006)

    Another successful NSCMP mission at Pine Bluff Arsenal (PBA) included the treatment of more than 5,300 CAIS items once stored at PBA using the RRS. The RRS began operations in August 2005, and completed processing in November 2006.

    Dover Air Force Base, Delaware (2004-2009)

    Beginning in fall 2004, the EDS destroyed 11 World War I-era 75 mm projectiles at Dover Air Force Base (DAFB), Del., recovered from the ocean by commercial fisherman. The first recovered by the Delaware State Police in Bridgeville, Del., and the rest were recovered at a seafood processing plant. The munitions were safely transported to DAFB for safe storage pending destruction. EDS operations took place at DAFB in August 2005, February 2006, August 2006, November 2008 and August 2009.


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