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Michael Logue, Associate Administrator for Administration

Profile photo of Michael LogueMichael Logue began his railroad career in 1977 as a clerk with the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail).  Over the next six years, he held positions as a yard clerk, yardmaster, trackman and qualified locomotive engineer.  As a locomotive engineer, Logue was qualified to operate freight trains between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA, commuter trains in the Philadelphia and surrounding area, and as a fireman on passenger trains between Washington, D.C. and New York, NY.

In January 1983, Logue left Conrail and joined the Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) as a railroad safety inspector trainee.  Over the last 29 years, he has held progressively more responsible positions at FRA to include:  Railroad Safety Inspector, Railroad Safety Specialist, Special Assistant to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator under two administrations, Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety, interim Executive Director and his current position Associate Administrator for Administration.

As an Associate Administrator, Logue is responsible for advising on matters relating to the management and organization of the FRA.  He serves as the Chief Information Officer ensuring technology is acquired and information resources are managed for the agency in a manner that implements the policies and procedures of the Information Technology Management Reform Act.  He also serves as the Chief Human Capital Officer for FRA and ensures that the agency carries out its responsibilities for selecting, developing, training, and managing a high-quality work force consistent with the Government-wide human capital provisions included in the Homeland Security Act of 2002.  Lastly, Logue serves as the Head of Contracting Activity providing leadership on procurement operations and policy development and is the Competition Advocate.

He holds a Bachelor of Science, graduating Cum Laude, and a Master of General Administration, both from the University of Maryland, University College.

Since 1984, Michael has been married to his wife Teresa.  In his spare time, he enjoys reading, exercising, and playing golf with his wife and others.