Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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Major Programs

Fuel Cycle Research & Development
Fuel Cycle Research & Development
Development and assessment of technologies for improved management of spent nuclear fuel. [more]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering AnalysisNuclear Systems Analysis Engineering Development & Applications

Generation IV (Gen IV) Nuclear Energy Program
Gen IV Nuclear Energy Program
Development of next generation nuclear systems featuring significant advances in sustainability, economics, safety, reliability, proliferation resistance and physical protection. [more]
Generation IV (Gen IV) Program [74 KB]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering AnalysisNuclear Systems Analysis Engineering Development & Applications
Advanced Reactor Concepts
Advanced Reactor Concepts
Provide enhanced operational performance, safety, security, economics, and proliferation resistance over currently deployed light water reactor technologies through national and international research and development collaborations.
Advanced Reactor Concepts Program [1.9MB]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering AnalysisNuclear Systems AnalysisEngineering Development & ApplicationsNonproliferation and National Security
Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & Simulation
Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & Simulation
Development of mechanistic, predictive modeling and simulation tools to advance our understanding and confidence in the performance, safety and economic benefits of next generation nuclear reactor and fuel designs. [more]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering AnalysisNuclear Systems Analysis
Hydrogen Initiative
Hydrogen Initiative
Assessment and development of nuclear technologies for the generation of hydrogen as a replacement for fossil fuels. [more]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering Analysis
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR)
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR)
Conversion of research reactors from high- to low-enriched uranium fuel to reduce risk of nuclear weapons proliferation. [RERTR website]
Research and Test Reactor [947KB]
NE Departments involved:
Nuclear Systems AnalysisResearch & Test Reactor Conversion

RERTR-2012 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
October 14-17, 2012, Warsaw, Poland
The U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Global Threat Reduction in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency hosted the “RERTR 2012 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors.” The meeting was organized by Argonne National Laboratory, Poland’s National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) and Idaho National Laboratory and was held in Warsaw, Poland from October 14-17, 2012. This was the 34th annual meeting in a series on the same general subject regarding conversion of reactors within the Global Threat Reduction Initiative. RERTR-2012 website.

Nonproliferation and National Security
Nonproliferation and National Security
Limiting risk of nuclear weapons proliferation through export control policy support, safeguarding of special nuclear materials in the Former Soviet Union, development of information management systems. [more]
Nonproliferation and National Security [166 KB]
NE Departments involved:
Nonproliferation and National Security
Nuclear Regulatory Research
Nuclear Regulatory Research
Providing broad technical expertise in the relevant engineering technology areas and appropriate technical support to the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.
NE Departments involved:
Detection & Diagnostic SystemsNuclear Systems Analysis
International Programs
International Programs
Serving as an interface between the IAEA and the U.S. nuclear community, the International Programs play a lead role in many of the daily programmatic activities of the U.S.-IAEA relationship, including administering IAEA programs in the United States and encouraging Americans to consider IAEA employment. [more]
Engaging America’s experts: Argonne’s program to support the IAEA
The lab’s International Programs helps researchers from abroad and makes U.S. expertise available to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Article by Allison M. Holiski, published in the January 2013 issue of Nuclear News, Copyright © 2013 by the American Nuclear Society [739KB]
Radiological Assistance Program
Radiological Assistance Program
Providing assistance in the event of a radiological accident or incident. [more]
International Nuclear Safety
International Nuclear Safety
Fostering open exchange of safety information and improvements of nuclear plant safety worldwide. [more]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering Analysis
Materials Disposition (MD)
Materials Disposition (MD)
Safe disposition of excess weapons plutonium through reactor irradiation and conversion to spent fuel. [more]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering AnalysisNuclear Systems Analysis
Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D)
Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D)
Safe and cost-effective decommissioning of surplus, radioactively contaminated facilities (project identification, design, planning, budgeting, and project execution including disassembly, size reduction, waste packaging, demolition and decontamination). Knowledge gained through successful project completions is shared with others in the DOE complex and the nuclear community at large through topical presentations, training, and exchange of lessons learned. [more]
Decommissioning Program [135 KB]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering Development & Applications

Decommissioning Training Courses
A wealth of decommissioning know-how brought to you by seasoned professionals in the industry with a broad base of knowledge from practical decommissioning experience. Find out more about our "Facility Decommissioning" training courses now!

Nuclear Criticality Safety
Nuclear Criticality Safety
Enhancing capability for assuring safe storage and transport for nuclear materials. [more]
Nuclear Criticality Safety [98 KB]
NE Departments involved:
Nuclear Systems Analysis
Nuclear Data Program
Nuclear Data Program
Processing and validation analysis, compilation, evaluation and measurements of nuclear data. [more]
NE Departments involved:
Nuclear Systems Analysis
Nuclear Waste Form Modeling
Nuclear Waste Form Modeling
Assuring safe performance of waste forms from processed EBR-II spent fuel in the Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository. [more]
Nuclear Waste Management [94 KB]
NE Departments involved:
Engineering Analysis


Last Modified: Fri, February 8, 2013

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