Court Room Setting
Randall R. Rader
Chief Judge

Jan Horbaly
Circuit Executive
& Clerk of Court


The Federal Circuit Mourns the Death of Professor Daniel J. Meador

The judges and staff of the Federal Circuit mourn with the wider legal community the death of Professor Daniel J. Meador, James Monroe Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Virginia.  As an Assistant Attorney General in the Carter Administration, it was Meador who devised the idea of a national court comprising the Court of Claims and the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals which developed into the creation of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  Professor Meador’s leadership on the creation of the Federal Circuit rightly earned him the moniker of Founding Father of the Court. In a condolence letter to Mrs. Meador, Chief Judge Rader wrote, “The presence of the Federal Circuit on Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. is a memorial and tribute to your husband’s imagination and vision.”


Oral Arguments to be unavailable for download February 16, 2013

The Federal Circuit's Oral Arguments will be unavailable for downloading due to server maintenance for approximately four hours from 8am to noon EDT on Saturday, February 16, 2013.


Lawyers' Lounge Open for Court Week

The court has established a Lawyers' Lounge on the first floor of the Tayloe House that will be open to counsel each morning during court week.  See this flyer for more information.

Circuit Judge Bryson Assumed Senior Status on January 7, 2013

Circuit Judge William C. Bryson retired from active status on January 6, 2013.  He will continue to hear cases at the Federal Circuit as a circuit judge in senior status. Judge Bryson has been a member of the court for just over eighteen years, having been appointed by President William Jefferson Clinton in 1994. 


Chief Judge Rader, Circuit Judge Wallach participated in London Conference, November 29-30, 2012


Chief Judge Randall R. Rader and Circuit Judge Evan J. Wallach joined the many distinguished guests at the historic Guildhall in London at a conference on “Quality, Efficiency, & Change” Best Practices in Today’s Global IP, Trade & Procurement Community.” Chief Judge Rader and Judge Wallach both participated as panel members during the two-day conference, which was co-hosted by the Federal Circuit Bar Association. Additional Information is available here.


Chief Judge Rader Spoke at Berlin Conference, November 28, 2012


Chief Judge Randall R. Rader was one of the speakers at the Berlin Conference: a Joint Conference on patent law and life sciences. Hosted by the Federal Circuit Bar Association and co-hosted by the Josef-Kohler-Institute and the BIO Deutschland, the one day conference focused on the "Search for Best Practices and Challenges at the Leading Edge" from the perspective of the courts, practitioners, clients and investors. Click here for more details.



Chief Judge Rader has appointed three new members to serve on the court’s Advisory Council.  The appointments became effective on October 1, 2012.  The new members appointed to three-year terms are David Folsom (former Chief Judge of the Eastern District of Texas), MSPB Chairman Susan Grundmann and Martin Hockey from the Civil Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.  In addition, Chief Judge Rader appointed Ed Reines and Jeanne Davidson, current members of the Advisory Council, to a new three-year term.

Chief Judge Rader and the court express their gratitude and appreciation to three members of the Advisory Council whose terms expired on September 30, 2012:  John Cooke, Mike Jakes and Bob Huffman.

Chief Judge Rader takes great pleasure in welcoming the new members to the Advisory Council, and conveys his heartfelt thanks to the members who are leaving the Advisory Council after their many years of dedicated and committed service to the Council and the court.


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