Administration on Aging

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Census Bureau

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service

Department of Housing & Urban Development

Department of Veterans Affairs

Employee Benefits Security Administration

Environmental Protection Agency

National Center for Health Statistics

National Institute on Aging

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation, HHS

Office of Management & Budget

Social Security Administration

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

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Older Americans 2004: Key Indicators of Well-Being is a report of the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (Forum). This report was prepared by the Forum's planning committee and reviewed by the Forum's principal members.

The Forum's planning committee members include Saadia Greenberg, Administration on Aging; D.E.B. Potter and Jan Valluzzi, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Ryan Helwig, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Karen Humes, Annetta Clark Smith, and Victoria Velkoff, U.S. Census Bureau; Gerald Riley, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Kathy Sykes, Environmental Protection Agency; Ellen Kramarow and Julie Dawson Weeks, National Center for Health Statistics; Elayne Heisler and Laura Shrestha, National Institute on Aging; Hakan Aykan and William Marton, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Brian Harris-Kojetin, Office of Management and Budget; Howard Iams, Social Security Administration; Robert E. Klein and Donald Stockford, Department of Veterans Affairs; and the Forum's Staff Director, Kristen Robinson, National Center for Health Statistics.

The following staff members of the Forum agencies reviewed the chartbook and provided valuable guidance and assistance: Frank Burns, Administration on Aging; Jennifer Madans and James Lubitz, National Center for Health Statistics; Judy Salerno and Richard Suzman, National Institute on Aging; Ruth Katz, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and Mary E. (Beth) Martindale, Department of Veterans Affairs.

In addition to the 12 agencies of the Forum, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) was invited to contribute to this report. The Forum greatly appreciates the efforts of WenYen Juan and Mark Lino, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, USDA, in providing valuable information from their agency.

Other staff members of Federal agencies who provided data and assistance include Liana Abrahamyan, Administration on Aging; Karen J. Migdail, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Geoffrey Paulin, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Joseph Dalaker, Kimberly DeBarros, Jason Fields, Campbell Gibson, and Marjorie Hanson, U.S. Census Bureau; Nancy DeLew, Franklin Eppig, David Gibson, Jessica Herrera-Cancel, Deborah Kidd, Chris McCormick, Renee Mentnech, and John Poisal, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Margaret D. Carroll, Margaret L. Cejku, Alan Cohen, Robin A. Cohen, Virginia Freid, Margie Goulding, Adrienne Jones, Cynthia L. Ogden, Laurie Pratt, Robin E. Remsburg, Sandra S. Smith, Ronald B. Tiggle, and Henry Xia, National Center for Health Statistics; Vicky Cahan and Jeannine Mjoseth, National Institute on Aging; Ralph Eskenazi and Randall J. Remmel, Department of Veterans Affairs; and Melissa Koenig, Social Security Administration.

The Forum is also indebted to the many people outside the Federal government who contributed to this chartbook: Gwen Fisher, Elena Gouskova, Joe Lupton, Kate McGonagle, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Bob Schoeni, Frank Stafford, David Weir, and Robert J. Willis, University of Michigan; and Brenda Spillman, Urban Institute.

Member agencies of the Forum provided funds and valuable staff time to produce this report. The National Center for Health Statistics and its contractor, NOVA Research Company, facilitated the production, printing, and dissemination of this report. Linda Bean provided general production oversight. Odell D. Eldridge, NOVA, designed the layout and supervised the overall presentation of the report. Kyung Park, NOVA, designed and produced the data tables. Kathy J. Sedgwick, NOVA, provided editorial oversight and review. Patty Wilson managed the printing of the report.

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Last Modified: 12/31/1600 7:00:00 PM