Administration on Aging

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Census Bureau

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service

Department of Housing & Urban Development

Department of Veterans Affairs

Employee Benefits Security Administration

Environmental Protection Agency

National Center for Health Statistics

National Institute on Aging

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation, HHS

Office of Management & Budget

Social Security Administration

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

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Detailed Tables

    Indicator 1 : Number of Older Americans
Table 1a Number of people age 65 and over and 85 and over, selected years 1900-2000 and projected 2010-2050
Table 1b Percentage of the population age 65 and over and 85 and over, selected years 1900-2000 and projected 2010-2050
Table 1c Population of countries with at least 10 percent of their population age 65 and over, 2003
Table 1d Percentage of the population age 65 and over, by State, 2002
Table 1e Percentage of the population age 65 and over, by county, 2002
   Indicator 2 Racial and Ethnic Composition
Table 2 Population age 65 and over, by race and Hispanic origin, 2003 and projected 2050
   Indicator 3 Marital Status
Table 3 Marital status of the population age 65 and over, by age group and sex, 2003
      Indicator 4 Educational Attainment
Table 4a Educational attainment of the population age 65 and over, selected years 1950-2003
Table 4b Educational attainment of the population age 65 and over, by race and Hispanic origin, 2003
   Indicator 5 Living Arrangements
Table 5a Living arrangements of the population age 65 and over, by sex and race and Hispanic origin, 2003
Table 5b Population age 65 and over living alone, by age group and sex, selected years 1970-2003
   Indicator 6 Older Veterans
Table 6a Percentage of men age 65 and over who are veterans, by age group, United States and Puerto Rico, 1990 and 2000
Table 6b Estimated and projected number of male veterans and total veterans age 65 and over, by age group, United States and Puerto Rico, 1990, 2000, and projected 2005-2015
   Indicator 7 Poverty
Table 7a Percentage of the population living in poverty, by age group, 1959- 2002
Table 7b Percentage of the population age 65 and over living in poverty, by selected characteristics, 2002
   Indicator 8 Income
Table 8  Income distribution of the population age 65 and over, 1974- 2002
   Indicator 9 Sources of Income
Table 9a Distribution of sources of income for the population age 65 and over, selected years 1962-2002
Table 9b Sources of income for the population age 65 and over, by income quintile, 2002
   Indicator 10 Net Worth
Table 10 Median household net worth of head of household, by selected characteristics, in 2001 dollars, selected years 1984-2001
   Indicator 11 Participation in the Labor Force
Table 11 Labor force participation rates of people age 55 and over, by age group and sex, annual averages, 1963-2003
   Indicator 12 Housing Expenditures
Table 12 Total annual expenditures allocated to housing costs in households headed by people age 65 and over, by income level, selected years 1987-2002
Health Status
   Indicator 13 Life Expectancy
Table 13a Life expectancy, by age and sex, selected years 1900-2001
Table 13b Life expectancy, by age and race, 2001
   Indicator 14 Mortality
Table 14a Death rates for selected leading causes of death among people age 65 and over, 1981-2001
Table 14b Leading causes of death among people age 65 and over, by sex and race and Hispanic origin, 2001
Table 14c Leading causes of death among people age 85 and over, by sex and race and Hispanic origin, 2001
   Indicator 15 Chronic Health Conditions
Table 15a Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported having selected chronic conditions, by sex, 2001-2002
Table 15b Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported having selected chronic conditions, 1997- 2002
    Indicator 16 Sensory Impairment and Oral Health
Table 16a Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported having any trouble hearing, any trouble seeing, or no natural teeth, by selected characteristics, 2002
Table 16b Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported ever having worn a hearing aid, 2002
Table 16c Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported certain conditions among those who reported having trouble seeing, 2002
    Indicator 17 Memory Impairment
Table 17 Percentage of people age 65 and over with moderate or severe memory impairment, by age group and sex, 2002
    Indicator 18 Depressive Symptoms
Table 18 Percentage of people age 65 and over with clinically relevant depressive symptoms, by age group and sex, 2002
    Indicator 19 Disability
Table 19a Age-adjusted percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over who are chronically disabled, by selected characteristics, 1984, 1989, 1994, and 1999
Table 19b Percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over who are unable to perform certain physical functions, by sex, 1991 and 2002
Table 19c Percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over who are unable to perform any one of five physical functions, by selected characteristics, 2002
    Indicator 20 Respondent-Assessed Health Status
Table 20 Respondent-assessed health status among people age 65 and over, by selected characteristics, 2000- 2002
Health Risks and Behaviors
    Indicator 21 Vaccinations
Table 21a Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported having been vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal disease, by race and Hispanic origin, selected years 1989-2002
Table 21b Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported having been vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal disease, by selected characteristics, 2002
    Indicator 22 Mammography
Table 22 Percentage of women age 65 and over who reported having had a mammogram within the past 2 years, by selected characteristics, selected years 1987-2000
    Indicator 23 Dietary Quality
Table 23a Dietary quality ratings of people age 45 and over, as measured by the Healthy Eating Index, by age group and poverty status, 1999- 2000
Table 23b Average scores on a scale from 1 to 10, of people age 65 and over for components of the Healthy Eating Index (HEI), 1999-2000
    Indicator 24 Physical Activity
Table 24a Percentage of people age 45 and over who reported engaging in regular leisure time physical activity, by age group, 1997-2002
Table 24b Percentage of people age 65 and over who reported engaging in regular leisure time physical activity, by selected characteristics, 2001-2002
    Indicator 25 Obesity
Table 25 Body weight status among people age 65 and over, by sex and age group, selected years 1960-2002
    Indicator 26 Cigarette Smoking
Table 26a Percentage of people age 45 and over who are current cigarette smokers, by selected characteristics, selected years 1965-2002
Table 26b Cigarette smoking status of people age 18 and over, by sex and age group,2002
    Indicator 27 Air Quality
Table 27a Percentage of people age 65 and over living in counties with “Poor air quality,” 2000-2002
Table 27b Counties with “Poor air quality” for any standard in 2002
Health Care
    Indicator 28 Use of Health Care Services
Table 28a Use of Medicare-covered health care services by Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, 1992-2001
Table 28b Use of Medicare-covered home health and skilled nursing facility services by Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by age group, 2001
    Indicator 29 Health Care Expenditures
Table 29a Average annual health care costs for Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by age group, 1992-2001
Table 29b Major components of health care costs among Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, 1992 and 2001
Table 29c Average annual health care costs among Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by selected characteristics, 2001
Table 29d Major components of health care costs among Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by age group, 2001
Table 29e Percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over who reported problems with access to health care, 1992-2000
    Indicator 30 Prescription Drugs
Table 30a Average annual prescription drug costs and sources of payment among noninstitutionalized Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, 1992-2000
Table 30b Distribution of annual prescription drug costs among noninstitutionalized Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, 2000
Table 30c Average annual number of filled prescriptions among noninstitutionalized Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by selected characteristics
Table 30d Percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare enrollees age 65 and over with prescription drug coverage, by selected characteristics, 2000
    Indicator 31 Sources of Health Insurance
Table 31a Percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare enrollees age 65 and over with supplemental health insurance, by type of insurance, 1991-2002
Table 31b Percentage of people age 55-64 with health insurance coverage, by type of insurance and poverty status, 2002
    Indicator 32 Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditures
Table 32a Percentage of people age 55 and over with out-of-pocket expenditures for health care service use, by age group, 1977, 1987, 1996, and 2001 Tables
Table 32b Out-of-pocket health care expenditures as a percentage of household income, among people age 65 and over with out-of-pocket expenditures, by selected characteristics, 1977, 1987, 1996, and 2001
Table 32c Distribution of total out-of- pocket health care expenditures among people age 65 and over with out-of-pocket expenditures, by type of health care services and age group, 2001
    Indicator 33 Sources of Payment for Health Care Services
Table 33a Sources of payment for health care services for Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by type of service, 2001
Table 33b Sources of payment for health care services for Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by income, 2001
    Indicator 34 Veterans Home Care
Table 34 Total number of veterans age 65 and over who are enrolled in or receiving health care from the Veterans Health Administration, 1990-2003
    Indicator 35 Nursing Home Utilization
Table 35a Rate of nursing home residence among people age 65 and over, by sex and age group, 1985, 1995, 1997, and 1999
Table 35b Number of current nursing home residents age 65 and over, by sex and age group, 1985, 1995, 1997, and 1999
Table 35c Percentage of nursing home residents age 65 and over receiving assistance with activities of daily living, by selected characteristics, 1985, 1995, 1997, and 1999
    Indicator 36 Residential Services
Table 36a Percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over residing in selected residential settings, by age group, 2002
Table 36b Percentage of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over with functional limitations, by residential setting, 2002
Table 36c Availability of specific services among Medicare enrollees age 65 and over residing in community housing with services, 2002
Table 36d Annual income distribution of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over, by residential setting, 2002
Table 36e Characteristics of services available to Medicare enrollees age 65 and over residing in community housing with services, 2002
    Indicator 37 Caregiving and Assistive Device Use
Table 37a Distribution of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over receiving personal care for a chronic disability, by type of care, 1984, 1989, 1994, and 1999
Table 37b Distribution of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over receiving personal care for a chronic disability, by type of care and level of disability, 1984, 1989, 1994, and 1999
Table 37c Distribution of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over using assistive devices and/or receiving personal care for a chronic disability, by type of care, 1984, 1989, 1994, and 1999
Table 37d Distribution of Medicare enrollees age 65 and over using assistive devices and/or receiving personal care for a chronic disability, by type of care and level of disability, 1984, 1989, 1994, and 1999

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