129th Rescue Wing, California Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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News > Commentary - Preparing families for deployment is mission essential
Preparing families for deployment is mission essential

Posted 12/6/2012   Updated 12/11/2012 Email story   Print story


Commentary by Colonel Steven Butow
129th Rescue Wing Commander

12/6/2012 - MOFFETT FEDERAL AIRFIELD, Calif. -- The holiday season is a special time for families, especially those families of Airmen who are about to deploy and serve our great Nation. The 129th Rescue Wing will be deploying forces overseas to Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa in the early months of 2013 and it is imperative that preparations include family readiness and support as required.

Our job as Airmen is to "Fly, Fight and Win" so that we may return to our families and the local community with honor. Leaving families uninformed or unsupported for any length of time is inconsistent with our Air Force core value of "Excellence in all we do." I expect all commanders, chiefs, first sergeants and supervisors to be strong advocates for family readiness and support the volunteers who serve your organizations to advocate and assist families. Below are some great resources available to all Airmen.

Operation Ready Families is an award winning program that works directly to the benefit of Soldiers and Airmen assigned to the California National Guard. You can find out more about this program at: http://www.calguard.ca.gov/readyfamilies/Pages/default.aspx.

The 129th Rescue Wing's Family Readiness Program, led by Ms. Carolann Wunderlin, is fully resourced and dedicated to the mission of preparing members and families for the difficulties of deployment and the transition to normal life when our Airmen return. Check out the program on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/129thRescueWingAirmanFamilyReadinessProgram.

Yellow Ribbon, led by Captain Autumn Decosta, is a DoD-wide program that educates and prepares service members and their families before, during and after the AEF deployment cycle. Airmen and families are encouraged to attend the next Yellow Ribbon event on Saturday, 8 Dec 2012 at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel.

You can find out more info about the Yellow Ribbon program at: http://www.jointservicessupport.org/YRRP/default.aspx and register for December's event  by clicking here.

Your service and sacrifice is appreciated by the community and the nation. Let them do their part by providing your families with the information and services they may require during your upcoming deployment. That way, all Airmen can stay focused on getting the mission accomplished and returning to a happy and healthy home environment upon return.

Happy holidays and thanks for all you do.

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