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Middle East Cancer Consortium

About MECC Cancer Registry Program Palliative Cancer Project Other MECC Activities Useful Links

This site is hosted by the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, USA.

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The Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC) was established through an official agreement of the Ministries of Health of Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority. The agreement was signed in Geneva in May 1996. Turkey officially joined the Consortium in June 2004.

The objective of the MECC is to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer in the Middle East through the solicitation and support of collaborative research. Since its inception, MECC’s major activities have been the Cancer Registry Project (CRP), the Small Grants Programme, and the Palliative Care Project (PCP).

The CRP aims to support population-based cancer registries within MECC members and develop linkages among them. The Small Grants Programme enabled clinicians and scientists within MECC signatories to submit research proposals for funding. All proposals were peer-reviewed for their scientific merit and must involve collaboration between more than one participating MECC member.

Click on the links to the left to learn more about MECC’s history, governance, and participants.