Kenya Stories of Hope

-Sub-Saharan Africa: Public-Private Partnership Entertains as it Raises HIV/AIDS Awareness (February 2010)
-Kenya: United States and Kenya Enter into Partnership Framework to Fight HIV/AIDS (December 2009)
-Kenya: Comprehensive AIDS Indicator Survey in Kenya Reveals Urgent Need to Scale up HIV Counseling and Testing (November 2009)
-Kenya: In Kenya, Scholarship Program Helps OVC Find Hope for the Future (October 2009)
-Uganda and Kenya: Ambassador Goosby Visits Uganda and Kenya, Discusses Partnerships to Combat HIV/AIDS (October 2009)
-Sub-Saharan Africa: New Public-Private Partnership to Improve Blood-Drawing Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa (August 2009)
-Kenya: Global Business Coalition Honors Warner Bros. for "Pamoja Mtaani" Videogame (June 2009)
-Kenya: Bringing Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing to Western Kenya (May 2009)
-Kenya: Roundtable Helps Kenyan Journalists Report on Rape (March 2008)
-Kenya: Kenya Holds Training to Prevent Medical Transmission of HIV (September 2007)
-Kenya: Public-Private Partnerships Help Ensure a Safe Blood Supply (April 2007)
-Kenya: Supporting Survivors of Violence and Coercion (April 2007)
-Kenya: The Women of Orongo (April 2007)
-Kenya: Kenyan Family Sees "Shining Light" Through PEPFAR (March 2007)
-Kenya: Teaching HIV Prevention Through Sign Language (August 2006)
-Kenya: Education leads tribal elders to support women's inheritance rights (February 2006)
-Kenya: Integration of HIV and TB diagnostic testing results in improved ART access (February 2006)
-Kenya: Investments in safe blood supply have broad impact (February 2006) U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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