Transportation Statistics Annual Report

Transportation Statistics Annual Report

Annual Issues


The Transportation Statistics Annual Report (TSAR), a congressionally mandated report, presents key transportation indicators along with data and information about the performance and impacts of the U.S. transportation system.  In addition, it focuses on closing data gaps and improving the ways in which transportation statistics are collected, compiled, analyzed, and published.

First published in 1994, BTS has revamped TSAR on an as-needed basis in response to the ever-evolving key initiatives of the U.S. Department of Transportation.  The scope and depth of transportation data and information presented in TSAR, however, remain dedicated to the topics required by the law. The following lists the specific topics mandated by Congress in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).  Congress modified and expanded this list in its 2005 establishment of RITA and reauthorization of BTS.

Thirteen Topics as Specified in the SAFETEA-LU Legislation
(49 U.S.C. 111 (c) (5))

  • Productivity in various parts of the transportation sector
  • Traffic flows for all modes of transportation
  • Other elements of the Intermodal Transportation Database established under subsection (e) of 49 U.S.C. 111
  • Travel times and measures of congestion
  • Vehicle weights and other vehicle characteristics
  • Demographic, economic, and other variables influencing traveling behavior (including choice of transportation mode) and goods movement
  • Transportation costs for passenger travel and goods movement
  • Availability and use of mass transit (including number of passengers served by each mass transit authority) and other forms of for-hire passenger travel transportation service
  • Frequency of vehicle and transportation facility repairs and other interruptions of transportation service
  • Safety and security for travelers, vehicles, and transportation systems
  • Consequences of transportation for the human and natural environment
  • The extent, connectivity, and condition of the transportation system, building on the National Transportation Atlas Database developed under subsection (g) of 49 U.S.C. 111
  • Transportation-related variables that influence the domestic economy and global competitiveness