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Feature Articles for ASDC Data Products

Project(s) Referenced* Feature Articles Description
AirMISR Fiery Temperament Sufficient human pressure can transform tropical rainforest into savanna, and savanna into desert.
ARESE, SAGE II Blanket of Clouds Recent studies indicate that clouds absorb significantly more shortwave radiation than previously thought.
CALIPSO Polar Stratospheric Clouds CALIPSO caught a top-down glimpse of an unusual atmospheric phenomenon - polar stratospheric clouds.
Whitewater-Baldy Fire in New Mexico Understanding how high wildfires send smoke into the atmosphere is one of the key pieces of information required to predict where and how a smoke plume will spread.
Nighttime Ash Tracking Vertical profile of the volcanic ash helps modelers issue more accurate warnings to pilots.
Experiment in the sky A train of satellites follows the atmospheric effects of a volcanic eruption.
CERES Clouds from a Different Angle Scientists use satellite data from the CERES instrument to simulate cloud effects and improve the accuracy of global climate models.
Signs of Change in the Tropics While NASA climate scientists were reviewing radiation data emanating from the tropics simply to test existing notions, they uncovered a phenomenon no one expected
CERES, ERBE On a Clear Day Researchers clarified the issues encountered in modeling clear-sky shortwave radiation by assembling a long-term data set of cloud-free days to test the models.
CERES, ERBE, SAGE II Clouds in the Balance In 1998, atmospheric scientists discovered a significant change in cloud vertical structure triggered by the strongest El Niño on record.
COVE (CERES) A Speck on the Ocean A lonely platform at sea helps balance Earth's energy budget.
ERBE Questioning Convection How well do climate models work?
A Burning Question Evidence suggests that atmospheric aerosols from biomass burning may offset global warming caused by greenhouse gases.
Absorption of Solar Radiation by Clouds The results of the study demonstrate the present shortcoming in the current knowledge of cloud radiative processes.
GTE Critical Chemistry Researchers map ozone's global distribution using data from the Global Tropospheric Experiment.
ISCCP But the winds . . . but the spaces . . . Elusive tropospheric phenomenon holds clues to tropical atmospheric activities.
ISCCP, NIMBUS-7 ERB Shadows of Doubt Understanding the complex interplay between clouds and radiation is critical for developing general circulation models that precisely represent the global climate.
ISCCP, SAGE II Stars Clouds Crops Stars' brightness influences planting practices in the Andes.
MISR Smoke over Athens The effects of forest fires show up in a multi-satellite view of pollution.
Aerosols over Australia Researchers explore the links between atmospheric aerosols, climate change, and ultraviolet rays.
Following the World Trade Center plume Remote sensing helps track the drift of harmful pollutants following the World Trade Center collapse.
Cloudy with a chance of Drizzle By analyzing data from the MISR instrument, scientists discover that a unique type of cloud formation is much more prevalent than was previously believed.
Squeezing Water from Rock Survivors of the New Madrid earthquakes reported not only intense ground shaking and land movement, but also an unfamiliar phenomenon of water and sand spouting up through cracks in the Earth's surface.
Tracking Clouds Tune in to the evening weather report on any given day, and you'll no doubt see satellite images of clouds.
MOPITT Nature's Contribution Researchers investigate how much wildfires contribute to pollution, and how far this pollution can travel.
SAGE II Volcanoes and Climate Change Volcanic aerosols play a significant role in driving Earth's climate.
Clouds in a Clear Sky Scientists have detected a nearly invisible cloud layer that may explain dryness in the stratosphere.
TES On the trail of global pollution drift Scientists use NASA's Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) to study drifting pollution and its sources.

* Project Legend:
  • AirMISR: Airborne Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
  • ARESE: ARM Enhanced Shortwave Experiment
  • CALIPSO: Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations
  • CERES: Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
  • ERBE: Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
  • GTE: Global Tropospheric Experiment
  • ISCCP: International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
  • MISR: Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
  • MOPITT: Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere
  • NIMBUS-7 ERB: Nimbus-7 Earth Radiation Budget
  • SAGE II: Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II
  • TES: Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer

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