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508 Universe Training

The 508 Universe  is the place to find specific Section 508 training and information resources.

The Section 508 Universe includes training on Designing Accessible Websites, Buying Accessible E&IT, Accessible Video and Multimedia, Building and Buying Accessible Software, Buying Accessible Computers, Opening Closed Products, Micro-purchases, Software Development, Micro-purchases and Section 508, Section 508 Coordinators, and Accessible Conferences. There is also a Glossary of Section 508 related terminology.

First time users will be asked to set up an account with a username and password. There is no additional personal information required during the registration process. Your username is only used to track your progress through a course. This eliminates any possible security risk of cookies, and no files are written to your computer.

The Section 508 Universe is one stop shopping for your Section 508 training needs.

508, Universe, Training, Acquiring, Technology, IT