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Services for US Companies

One-on-One Matchmaking

The U.S. Embassy in Podgorica can arrange one-on-one matchmaking meetings between U.S. companies and Montenegrin companies. We provide U.S. firms with prequalified and prescreened appointments in Montenegro with potential agents, distributors, sales representatives, and strategic business partners. Additional services include transportation, translation/interpretation, and accommodation arrangements. The Economic-Commercial Specialist will accompany the client to all meetings. Typically one-on-one matchmaking will consist of a minimum of 5 meetings with prescreened/ prequalified contacts.

For more information send an e-mail to: Cost: $2300 for large companies and $700 for SMEs*; $360 for each additional day Delivery: Company Materials Received 4 weeks in advance of scheduled Meetings.

Local Company Profiles

The U.S. Embassy in Podgorica assists U.S. companies enter into international business relationships with confidence by providing company profiles of potential business partners, allowing U.S. companies to effectively evaluate potential local partners. These profiles include detailed report on local companies that have been personally visited by the economic-commercial specialist or economic officer.

For more information, send an email to Cost: $900 for large companies and $600 for SMEs* (per category of business partner)

Market research

Market research provides U.S. firms with customized information on overseas markets. The U.S. Embassy in Podgorica can help by providing specific information for specific products or services, and answers to questions such as the overall marketability of a product or service, market trends and size, customary distribution and promotion practices, market entry requirements, regulations, product standards and registration, key competitors, and potential agents, distributors, or strategic partners. U.S. companies have the flexibility to design their own question(s).

For more information, send an email to Cost: $600 per category of business partner Delivery: 30 days after receipt of marketing materials.

Company Promotion

The U.S. Embassy in Podgorica can help you launch your product or service in Montenegro by organizing seminars, press conferences, receptions or other promotional activities. Our low-cost support is designed to help small-medium U.S. exporters get maximum exposure for minimum cost. We can work directly with you or with your authorized Montenegrin agent/distributor. Basic cost of $800 includes two events, developing target customer/guest lists for you, translating material for direct mail campaigns and arranging for local mailing of company material. Ancillary services (printing, postage etc.) are billed at cost.

For more information, send an email to Cost: $800 plus cost of ancillary services such as hotel conference rooms, caterers, printing costs etc. Delivery: 30 days after receipt of marketing materials.

Additional Services

The U.S. Embassy in Podgorica is ready to help American businesses successfully enter the Montenegrin market. If you need assistance beyond what you see listed here, please contact us and we will do our best to help!