tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Integrated Resource Plan

After more than two years of development, TVA has completed its Integrated Resource Plan titled TVA's Energy and Environmental Future. This plan and the associated Environmental Impact Statement are the result of extensive analysis and collaboration with TVA partners and stakeholders.

The Integrated Resource Plan supports TVA's comprehensive mission of service, which includes meeting the electric power needs of its customers in a reliable, affordable and sustainable manner. The plan identifies the resources that will be needed to satisfy expected energy demand in the Tennessee Valley region over the next 20 years. It is consistent with TVA's Environmental Policy and it supports TVA's renewed vision to be one of the nation's leading providers of low-cost and cleaner energy by 2020.

The Integrated Resource Plan will equip TVA to meet its customers' needs effectively while addressing the substantial challenges that face the electric utility industry. The planning direction it recommends will give TVA flexibility to make sound choices amid economic and regulatory uncertainty. This recommended planning direction balances costs, energy efficiency and reliability, environmental responsibility and competitive prices for customers. Components of the recommended planning direction include:

Component Guideline MW Range Window of Time Recommendations
EEDR 3,600-5,100
(11,400-14,400 GWh)
By 20201 Expand contributions of EEDR in the portfolio
Renewable additions 1,500-2,5002 By 20201 Pursue cost effective renewable energy
Coal-fired capacity idled 2,400-4,7003 By 2017 Consider increasing amount of coal-fired capacity idled
Energy storage 8504 2020-2024 Add pumped-storage capacity
Nuclear additions 1,150-5,9005 2013-2029 Increase contribution of nuclear generation
Coal additions 0-9006 2025-2029 Preserve option of generation with carbon capture
Natural gas additions 900-9,3007 2012-2029 Utilize natural gas as an intermediate supply source


1 – This range includes EEDR savings achieved through 2010. The 2020 range for EEDR and renewable energy does not preclude further investment in these resources during the following decade

2 – TVA's existing wind contracts that total more than 1,600 MW are included in this range. Values are nameplate capacity. Net dependable capacity would be lower

3 – TVA has previously announced plans to idle 1,000 MW of coal-fired capacity, which is included in this range. MW values based on maximum net dependable capacity

4 – This is the expected size of a new pumped-storage hydro facility

5 – The completion of Watts Bar Unit 2 represents the lower end of this range

6 – Up to 900 MW of new coal-fired capacity is recommended between 2025 and 2029

7 – The completion of John Sevier combined cycle plant represents the lower end of this range


On March 2, 2011, TVA issued the final Integrated Resource Plan and the associated Environmental Impact Statement. On April 14, 2011, the TVA Board of directors accepted the Integrated Resource Plan and authorized the Chief Executive Officer to use its recommended planning direction as a guide in energy resource planning and selection.


The final IRP and associated EIS are available in PDF format at the links below. Contact Charles Nicholson at the address below to request a CD or printed copy of the documents.

Final Integrated Resource Plan

Complete Final Integrated Resource Plan (PDF, 4.7 mb)

Cover, Message from the CEO, Table of Contents (PDF, 262 kb)

Executive Summary (PDF, 845 kb)

Chapter 1 - TVA’s Environmental and Energy Future (PDF, 359 kb)

Chapter 2 – IRP Process (PDF, 340 kb)

Chapter 3 – Public Participation (PDF, 318 kb)

Chapter 4 – Need for Power Analysis (PDF, 488 mb)

Chapter 5 – Energy Resource Options (PDF, 890 kb)

Chapter 6 – Resource Plan Development and Analysis (PDF, 290 kb)

Chapter 7 – Draft Study Results (PDF, 373 kb)

Chapter 8 – Final Study Results and Recommended Planning Direction (PDF, 255 kb)

Chapter 9 – Next Steps (PDF, 266 kb)

Appendices - (PDF, 359 kb)

Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

Record of Decision (PDF, 185 kb)

Complete Final Environmental Impact Statement - Volume 1 (PDF, 4.6 mb)

Volume 1:

Cover, Abstract and Summary (PDF 324 kb)

Table of Contents (PDF, 53 kb)

Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF, 154 kb)

Chapter 2 - TVA’s Resource Planning Process (PDF, 489 kb)

Chapter 3 - The TVA Power System (PDF, 144 kb)

Chapter 4 - Affected Environment (PDF, 3 mb)

Chapter 5 - Energy Resource Options (PDF, 66 kb)

Chapter 6 - Alternatives (PDF, 49 kb)

Chapter 7 - Anticipated Environmental Impacts (PDF, 356 mb)

Chapters 8-11 - Literature Cited, Preparers, Environmental Impact Statement Recipients, and Glossary (PDF, 93 kb)

Index (PDF, 20 kb) 


Complete Final Environmental Impact Statement - Volume 2 (PDF, 18.1 mb)

Volume 2:

Cover and Table of Contents (PDF, 33 kb)

Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF, 12 kb)

Chapter 2 - Responses to Comments(PDF, 330 kb)

Chapter 3 - Index to Commenters (PDF, 33 kb)

Chapter 4 - Comment Letters from Federal and State Agencies (PDF, 17 mb)

Part 1 (PDF, 5.3 mb)

Part 2 (PDF, 6.1 mb)

Part 3 (PDF, 5.7 mb)


Integrated Resource Plan Scoping Report, November 2009 (PDF, 194 kb)

Notice of Intent, June 2009 (PDF, 62 kb)


For more information on the environmental impact statement, or to request a CD or printed copy of the documents, contact:

Charles P. Nicholson
National Environmental Policy Act Project Manager
Tennessee Valley Authority
400 West Summit Hill Dr., WT 11D
Knoxville, TN 37902
(865) 632-3582

For general information on the project, contact:

Randall E. Johnson
Integrated Resource Plan Project Manager
Tennessee Valley Authority
1101 Market St., EB 8D
Chattanooga, TN 37402
(423) 751-3520

IRP Highlights

Peak Load Forecast

Chapter 4  page 68

Spring 2010 Capacity and Energy Portfolios

Chapter 4  pages 73-74

Capacity and Energy Gaps

Chapter 4  pages 76-77

Characteristics of the Scenarios

Chapter 6  page 94

Characteristics of the Strategies

Chapter 6  page 98

Color-coded Scorecards

Chapter 8  page 158

Recommended Planning Direction

Chapter 8  page 156

Next Steps

Chapter 9  page 171

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