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Senator Kirk

Senator Kirk

has 4 followers and is following 0 people

Please join me in a Book of the Month club where we will read, review and discuss recent literature regarding the important political, economic and foreign affairs issues of our time. I encourage you to create a Shelfari profile, contribute to our discussions and encourage your friends to join us as well.

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  • member since February 1, 2011

Public Notes

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  • Libmaven Linda

    Libmaven Linda says

    May I recommend "Bomb: The race to build -- and steal -- the world's most dangerous weapon" by Steve Sheinkin [ISBN 978-1-59643-487-5] Flash Point/Roaring Brook Press, 2012. It is a fascinating account of the science, politics, and spycraft surrounding the creation of the atomic bomb. Sheinkin has also just written "Lincoln's Grave Robbers," Scholastic, 2012 which I have just started reading but expect will be just as exciting to read.

    Both these books are aimed at readers grade 5 & up, but I assure you his writing style makes history as exciting as a mystery or thriller and his research is extensive.

    posted 1 month ago. ( send a note )