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News > 5th Bomb Wing Commander's Vector
Mission Vision
Team Minot's new Mission Vision poster (U.S. Air Force graphic/Tech. Sgt. Mark Bell)
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5th Bomb Wing Commander's Vector

Posted 6/8/2012   Updated 6/8/2012 Email story   Print story


5th Bomb Wing Commander

6/8/2012 - June 8th, 2012 -- 6/8/2012 - MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- To the newest Warbirds of Team Minot, Col. James C. Dawkins Jr., 5th Bomb Wing commander, would like to welcome and inform personnel of his vision on achieving success in accomplishing the mission.

To download full memorandum CLICK HERE.

5th Bomb Wing Mission: Provide full-spectrum deterrence and outstanding support for the 91st Missile Wing; and if deterrence fails, B-52 firepower on demand.

In short, we deter... or ... we hunt down and destroy America's enemies

Proud, Confident and Professional Airmen who take ownership of mission accomplishment. 

Proud: Developing Airmen who take pride in accomplishing their mission is key to our success. Our Airmen should be proud of what they do and be proud they are on a winning team. Leaders at all levels will recognize and reward those who contribute to the team's success in order to reinforce unit pride, and will hold those accountable who detract from this vision.

Confident: Proper training, preparation and practice will ensure our Airmen have confidence in their ability to successfully accomplish their mission. We will continuously strive to provide Airmen with the training required to ensure success. Practice will come in the form of well timed exercises at the unit and wing level. Confidence will assure excellent performance under the most demanding of conditions, be it combat or inspections.

Professional: Our Airmen must always seek to embody our United States Air Force core values. Moreover, they will meet or exceed all USAF standards of behavior and performance. Enhancing their professional development is also a key factor in meeting mission demands. Every Airman should accomplish their professional military education as quickly as possible and strive to attain an advanced degree.

Ownership of mission accomplishment: Simply put, "Own It!" is our mantra. Taking ownership of mission accomplishment at all levels is critical to our success. This starts with the individual Airmen taking ownership of his or her personal mission preparation. He or she must know what they are responsible for and be properly trained on their responsibilities. Next, we move from the individual to the front line supervisor. This Airman is the most critical link in our success chain. Front line supervisors must take ownership of those they have been given the honor to lead, ensuring their team always complies with Tech Order, Air Force Instruction, regulatory guidance as well as Air Force standards. They must ensure their Airmen are properly trained and ready as individuals and then they must hold them responsible for individual mission accomplishment. Proceeding up a few levels, we find ourselves at the section, flight and squadron level. Responsibility for taking ownership in mission accomplishment is similar to the front line supervisors; the main difference is leaders at this level are responsible for ensuring front line supervisors are provided the training, equipment and facilities to successfully execute the mission. Given the ever present fiscal and manpower restraints we operate under, this becomes challenging, but not impossible. Leaders always find a way.

The bottom line: If we ingrain in our Airmen and our units a culture of owning mission accomplishment, successful mission execution will quickly follow.

Ensure Nuclear Surety
Provide Responsive Conventional and Nuclear Combat Capability
Develop our Airmen
Care for Airmen and Their Families

1/24/2013 10:39:28 AM ET
I must say that as a former employee @ Griffiss AFB I miss that sight of B52's in the sky. I say keep up the tradition of our might in the sky and God Bless our War Fighters.
Paul Mangano, Luke AFB AZ
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