Womack Army Medical Center
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AEGD Residency
ENDO Residency
OMFS Residency
General Statement/ Objectives

Organization of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service

The U.S. Army Surgeon General provides overall supervision, agency supervision and guidance to the U.S. Army Installations conducting graduate professional education programs. Dental residency training programs conducted at the U.S. Army Dental Activity (DENTAC), Ft. Bragg and Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) function under joint jurisdiction of the Medical Center Commander and the Commander, Dental Activity. The DENTAC Commander maintains active supervision of the training programs through the hospital Medical Education and DENTAC Dental Education Committees.

Attending Staff
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service and Residency Training Program is conducted by the director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program. She/He is also Chief of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She/He will be known hereafter for the purposes of this text as the Director or the Chief.

The Director is under the command of the Commander, U.S. Army Dental Activity, Ft. Bragg and guided by the Dental Education Committee. For hospital activities, the oral and maxillofacial surgery performed in the operating room and the care of hospitalized dental patients is under the technical supervision of the Chief, Department of Surgery and the Commander, Womack Army Medical Center.

The duties of the Director will include but are not limited to the following:
  • develop goals and objectives 
  • develop outcome assessment measures
  • manage financial resources
  • ensure adequate physical facilities for the educational process
  • perform periodic, at least annual, written evaluations of the teaching staff
  • ensure adequate educational resource materials are available for the education of the residents
  • maintain appropriate records of the program, including resident and patient statistics, institutional agreements, and resident records
  • ensure that the teaching staff is of adequate size
  • pursue scholarly activity
  • document all program activities and assure that the documentation is available for review
  • ensure that the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative parts of the procedures undertaken have intimate resident participation
  • ensure that treatment rendered by residents is under staff supervision
  • ensure that residents keep a logbook of the procedures performed
  • ensure the availability of a sufficient number of patients and a sufficient variety of problems to give residents exposure to and competence in the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • document that the objectives of the accreditation standards have been met
    ensure that all residents receive comparable clinical experience
  • maintain accurate and complete records of the amount and variety of clinical activity of the oral and maxillofacial surgery teaching service
  • maintain a detailed record of the number and variety of procedures performed by each resident
  • ensure that records of patients managed by residents evidence thoroughness of diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment
  • instruct residents in the compilation of accurate and complete patient records
  • instruct residents in practice and risk management, coding, and nomenclature ensure that residents have familiarity with parameters of care and procedures for obtaining hospital credentials
  • periodically, but at least semiannually, evaluate the knowledge, skills and professional growth of residents using appropriate written criteria and procedures
  • provide residents an assessment of their performance, at least semiannually
  • advance residents to positions of higher responsibility only on the basis of an evaluation of their readiness for advancement 
  • maintain a personal record of evaluation for each resident which is accessible to the student and available for review during site visits
  • provide written evaluations of the residents based upon written comments obtained from the teaching staff
  • provide counseling, remediation, censuring, or after due process, dismissal of residents who fail to demonstrate appropriate competence, reliability, or ethical standards
  • provide a final written evaluation of each resident upon completion of the program that includes a review of the resident’s performance during the training program- this evaluation becomes a part of the resident’s permanent record and is maintained by the sponsoring institution (Womack Army Medical Center) 

An Assistant Program director is also assigned to the service. She/He is a board-eligible specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The function of the Assistant Chief is to assist in the training program and the operation of the clinical service. She/He will assume the duties of the Director during her/his interim absences.

A third attending staff is assigned to the Oral Surgery Training Program. She/He is a board-eligible or board certified specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Her/His function is to assist the Chief and Assistant Chief in assigned supervisory, teaching or administrative duties.

House Staff
The House Staff is made of the first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year residents assigned to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service.