Southwestern Power Administration
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The safety and well-being of all Southwestern Power Administration employees are the firm and continuing responsibilities of every member of management. Each employee, in turn, shares with management the responsibility for his or her own safety by performing his or her duties in a safe and conscientious manner, complying with all safety rules and regulations, and observing the provisions of Executive Order 12196, “Occupational Safety and Health Programs for Federal Employees.”

Southwestern's Recordable Accident Frequency Rate (RAFR) for Calendar Year 2011
(Jan - Dec 2011) was 1.28, and for Fiscal Year 2011 (Oct 2010 - Sep 2011) the RAFR was 0.64. Additionally, 2011 marked the nineteenth consecutive year, over 6 million man-hours worked, without any electrical-related recordable accidents – a significant achievement for an organization where approximately one half of the workforce operates in a high-voltage electrical environment.

Southwestern trains current and new employees in all safety requirements, including those of Executive Order 13513, “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving.”


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