113th Congress
112th Congress
111th Congress
110th Congress
109th Congress
108th Congress
107th Congress

12/03/2010 Feinstein-Bond Ask Attorney General to Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange for Espionage
07/19/2010 Senators Feinstein and Bond Announce Intelligence Committee Passage of Intelligence Authorization Bill
05/20/2010 Feinstein Statement on Resignation of DNI Dennis Blair
05/18/2010 Senators Feinstein and Bond Release Declassified Report Detailing Intelligence Failures in the Attempted Christmas Day Bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253
04/14/2010 Feinstein Statement on Departure of Stephen Kappes from CIA, Naming of CIA Veteran Michael Morell as Deputy Director
01/21/2010 Statement of Senators Feinstein and Bond on Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing into Christmas Day Attempted Terror Attack
12/31/2009 Intelligence Committee Announces Hearings Into Failed Christmas Day Terrorism Attack
12/08/2009 The Intelligence Committee Announces Task Force on Cyber Security
07/17/2009 Senators Feinstein and Bond Announce
Intelligence Committee Approval of
2010 Intelligence Authorization Bill
04/09/2009 Statement of Senator Feinstein on Decision by CIA Director Panetta to Ban Contractor Interrogations, Terminate Site Contract
03/05/2009 Feinstein, Bond Announce Intelligence Committee Review of CIA Detention and Interrogation Program
02/11/2009 Feinstein and Bond Announce Intelligence Committee Approval of Leon Panetta to be Next CIA Director
01/29/2009 Feinstein-Bond Statement on Allegations Against CIA's Former Algeria Station Chief
01/28/2009 Feinstein and Bond Announce Unanimous Committee Approval of Admiral Dennis Blair to be Next DNI
211 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-1700
Copyright © 2006 United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence