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Ambassadors a family affair at agency
Former Capt. Art Eggers (left, circa 1990) and his son, Capt. Aaron Eggers of the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency, are the first father/son ambassadors in the 25 year history of the Fiesta Military Ambassador Program. The younger Eggers was selected to represent the Air Force in San Antonio in 2013. (U. S. Air Force photo illustration by George Serna)
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Ambassadors a family affair at agency

Posted 1/23/2013   Updated 1/23/2013 Email story   Print story


by Wayne Amann
Air Force ISR Agency Public Affairs

1/23/2013 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - LACKLAND, Texas -- When Capt. Aaron Eggers of the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency headquarters was tabbed as a 2013 Fiesta Military Ambassador, he made history.

His selection marked the first time in the 25 years of the Fiesta Military Ambassador Program, an offspring of a former military ambassador followed in their parent's footsteps.

Eggers father, then Capt. Art Eggers, was a 1990 ambassador representing the Electronic Security Command, an early iteration of the current Air Force ISR Agency.

Since 1988, the Fiesta Military Ambassador Program has showcased service members from all branches. It's designed to enhance the military's image in the San Antonio community by displaying the professionalism of its active-duty troops. The program also educates the public about the value of the world's greatest military to our national security.

"When I was selected I was beaming with pride," the younger Eggers said, "the pride in knowing when I tell my father the'll create a stronger bond from sharing that experience."

When the younger Eggers, a former enlisted Korean linguist now the Chief of ISR Integration at the agency headquarters, was assigned here, his dad suggested he see if the ambassador program still existed.

"As the new guy I thought I wouldn't stand a chance," Aaron admitted. "But when I saw the call for nominees and the eligible ranks...I figured this was my only shot."

Art is glad his son followed through.

"[Aaron] will serve proudly and carry on the legacy I started 23 years ago," he said. "He'll make you and me proud at Fiesta and other events in 2013."

The military ambassadors are prominent participants during Fiesta, San Antonio's annual 11-day celebration, held each April, to honor the memory of the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. More than three million people, including 600,000 out-of-towners, attend the 100-plus events.

It's called the "Party with a Purpose," because 100 local non-profit organizations and military units create the events. The ambassadors also attend various pre- and post-Fiesta events in and around the Alamo City.

The younger Eggers, a third-generation Airman who was born at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., sees his stint as a military ambassador as a golden opportunity few blue suiters are afforded.

"I know I can help tell the Air Force story with confidence," he said. "Being able to help form [the public's] understanding and impression of the Air Force and the overall mission of Joint Base San Antonio will prove beneficial."

The vivid memories that await him may linger like they have for his father.

"I was so thrilled to represent HQ ESC and the Air Force during all the festivities," Art said. "It was great going out as a group of nearly 20 representing San Antonio's military at the time.

"Each function was fabulous, but the River Parade was the most fun," he recalled. "We had our own Air Force country band on the barge playing the old Bob Wills' San Antonio Rose. I'm still surprised I didn't fall off the barge into the river that night. I felt like a Rock Star the entire Fiesta 1990!"

The younger Eggers hopes to make his own memories.

"If I can make an impression on even one of San Antonio's youth to seriously consider joining the Air Force," he said, "then I've served well as an ambassador."

Editor's Note: Since the inception of JBSA on Oct. 1, 2010, the number of military ambassadors was reduced to 10, two from each of the five uniformed service branches.

1/27/2013 4:22:41 AM ET
CONGRATULATIONS Sir.. I know Capt. Art Eggers from an aviation forum so to read that his sonCapt. Aaron Eggers has made history is quite a proud moment for his Father and the family.As a friend I am very happy to see that history has been made and may it long continue.its great to see that someone who has served his Country has been recognized. I salute you Capt.Aaron Eggers as well as yourFather.Best wishes.HOLMES
HOLMES, England.
1/26/2013 8:51:58 PM ET
I am very proud of my son Aaron having been selected as the 2013 Air Force Ambassador. He will serve and represent the Air Force Community in San Antonio well I know that he will have as a good a time as I did during my tenure back in 1990 Viva Fiesta
Art Eggers, Las Vegas NV
1/24/2013 11:47:16 AM ET
It is a thrill knowing that my brother and nephew have accomplished a first in the history of this event. I am proud of the both of themSteve EggersBSOE MIS USAF Veteran SSgt- 1990-1999
Steve Eggers, Broken Arrow OK
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