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Management Development Centers
Schedule at a Glance

EEO and HR for Supervisors: Everyday Accountability


  • Apr 2-4, ‘13 @ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington DC Field Office, 131 M. Street, NE, Washington DC 20507-0100   $950 Limited Space
    Starts 9:00 AM on 1st day ends 1:00 PM on last day
    Tuition does not include meals and lodging.
  • Jun 4-6, ‘13 @ EEOC Houston District Office: Total Plaza, 1201 Louisiana St., Houston, TX, EEOC Houston District Office: Total Plaza, 1201 Louisiana St., Houston, TX   $950 REGISTER
    Starts 8:30 AM on 1st day ends 12:00 PM on last day
  • Aug 7-9, ‘13 @ Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Ser: 550 N. Brand Blvd., Ste 1150, Glendale, CA   $950 REGISTER
    Starts 8:30 AM on 1st day ends 12:00 PM on last day
  • Sep 25-27, ‘13 @ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington DC Field Office, 131 M. Street, NE, Washington DC 20507-0100   $950 REGISTER
    Starts 9:00 AM on 1st day ends 1:00 PM on last day
    Tuition does not include meals and lodging.


To be effective, supervisors need to manage in accordance with EEO and HR legal and regulatory frameworks. This course helps supervisors understand and build skills in areas that have potential for problems and provides advice for creating and maintaining a fair workplace.

Trainers from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Office of Personnel Management come together to provide you with the context, background and competencies to execute everyday supervisory responsibilities in accordance with legal and regulatory frameworks.

Highlights include:

  • Review of legislative context and responsibilities of regulatory agencies (EEOC, MSPB, OSC, OPM)
  • Hiring process, with emphasis on Veterans’ preference and special hiring authorities
  • Discipline
  • The EEO complaint process and the role of supervisors and managers
  • Preventing harassment and retaliation

How You Will Benefit

  • Learn key federal laws and regulations—including Merit System Principles—that prevent discrimination, ensure equal employment opportunity, and promote an inclusive workplace
  • Understand areas of accountability for you, with a focus on preventing problems in interviewing and hiring staff, administering flexible schedules, staff development, performance appraisals, and reasonable accommodations

Who Should Attend

  • New supervisors (within their first two years of being a supervisor), current supervisors who need a refresher and experience private-sector supervisors who are new to the Federal sector.


Unless stated otherwise (under the date of the program) lodging and meals are included in the tuition. Lodging starts the first evening of the program and ends on the last day of the program.