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SelectUSA Promotes Investing in the U.S.
13 February 2013
 Steve Olson presents SelectUSA to audience.

Steve Olson presents SelectUSA to audience.

During a two-day visit to Montreal, Senior Advisor to U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Executive Director of SelectUSA Steve Olson participated in a symposium entitled "Expanding into the United States", organized by the U.S. Commercial Service in Canada, in conjunction with Export Québec. Olson's visit was focused on strengthening ties between the United States and the Quebec business community, and supporting Quebec companies interested in expanding their business or investing in the United States. As Executive Director, Mr. Olson manages the strategy and implementation of SelectUSA. The program works to create jobs, spur economic growth, and promote foreign investment into the United States and is a U.S. government initiative to attract and retain business investment in the United States, established by President Obama, and housed in the Department of Commerce.

In 2011, Quebec-U.S. trade was $75 billion; and the United States is Quebec's largest trading partner, accounting for approximately 75% of the province's international trade. In terms of investment, in 2012 Canadian businesses invested $280 in the United States, and U.S. businesses invested $330 billion in Canada. This investment and trade is vital to both of our economies.