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Internship Opportunities

Internships at the U.S. Consulate in Toronto

The Consulate General participates in three different internship programs:

Washington-based Internships for U.S. Citizens: There are internships and student programs managed by our headquarters, the U.S. Department of State, in Washington, D.C. Approximately fifty percent of the internships are in Washington, D.C. and the remaining internships are at embassies and consulates abroad, including our posts in Canada. Students must apply to the Department of State for these internships. Students tentatively selected for this program must undergo a background investigation and receive either a Secret or Top Secret security clearance.

The State Department offers three internship cycles throughout the year: Summer - mid-May to end of September

  • Fall - mid-October to end of December
  • Spring - mid-January to end of April

The deadline for submission of applications for the Summer program is November 1st; the deadline for the Fall program is March 1st; and July 1st is the deadline for the Spring program.

For additional information on these programs and other employment opportunities, please visit the State Department's career website.

Commercial Service Internships: University graduate-level students are encouraged to apply for a semester internship with the Commercial Section of the U.S. Consulate General in Toronto. Interns will be involved with all aspects of trade development, from market research to trade shows. Students with American or Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant status in Canada are eligible. A security check will be conducted on the selected applicants. Additional information.

Toronto-based State Department Internships: The American Consulate General in Toronto, Canada periodically offers internship positions for students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada, in the Political/Economic, Public Affairs and Consular Sections three times per year (during the Fall, Winter-Spring, and Summer sessions).

Students chosen for the program are required to participate as an intern for at least 10 weeks on a full-time basis. The positions within this program are voluntary, without salary or benefits. The Intern Program gives students valuable work experience in a challenging foreign affairs arena.

Please refer to the U.S. Embassy website for all current and future internship opportunities.

For further information, please contact Human Resources at, or by mail: 360 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1S4.