William Hammink, Mission Director
USAID, American Embassy
New Delhi - 110 021
Phone: 91-11-2419-8000
Fax: 91-11-2419-8612 / 2419-8454
USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah visits India march 05 - 06, 2013

National Call to Action for Child Survival and Child Development

Call to Action - Child Survival and Development


USAID/India is supporting the Government of India in its National Call to Action for Child Survival and Child Development, scheduled for February 7-9, 2013, in Mahabalipuram, near Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Approximately 250 participants including representatives from the Government of India and other national and international agencies are expected to attend the event. Learn More

                                        Key Program Areas


The United States and India have been working together on development challenges for many years. India's emergence as a regional and global power and rapidly growing trade and investment partner creates an opportunity to evolve the traditional donor recipient model of development into a true partnership where the United States and India join forces to tackle development challenges in India and globally.

India’s leadership innovating products, processes, and service delivery models to benefit vulnerable populations has helped lift millions out of poverty and holds great potential for broader replication to address global development challenges. India is a development innovation laboratory where U.S. and Indian partners can develop, test, and scale new tools and technologies to advance development outcomes. U.S. assistance is a powerful catalyst for the development of innovative models that can be scaled with funds from Indian public and private partners to reduce poverty.

USAID/India’s support for development innovations focuses on three key sectors: health, food security, and clean energy. We are developing new mechanisms that will allow us the flexibility to identify, support, and scale-up innovations that fall outside these sectors. While we will continue our long partnership with the Indian Government, we will also work with a wide range of new partners to leverage our joint resources and experience.


USAID works to improve the health of vulnerable populations in India by applying effective and innovative health system solutions to address some of India’s most pressing health challenges. Learn More


By supporting India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change, USAID is helping to propel India along a low carbon, economic growth pathway by expanding new markets for green technologies and innovations.
Learn More


USAID programs in India are working on adapting technological advances and innovative solutions to address agriculture and food security concerns in India and around the globe. Learn More



USAID’s new education program aims to complement the Government of India’s efforts to improve the quality of basic education through teacher education and early grade reading interventions. Learn More


Call to Action

                   Video Message by USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah


Video Message by USAID Administrator
Dr. Rajiv Shah

Remarks by Ambassador Powell on Indian National Call to Action Summit

Remarks by Ambassador Powell on Indian National Call to Action Summit
Mission Director William Hammink's Media Address


USAID is seeking innovative solutions to develop, test, and scale innovations in technology, products, processes, and services to more effectively achieve development outcomes in India and globally. USAID currently supports several initiatives to encourage innovation and partnership with the private sector in support of development objectives. Read more...

USAID Security and Privacy Statement Updated March 01, 2013