All Agencies

Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture has a workforce of 109,302 employees and hired 18,291 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Agriculture is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Department of Commerce

The Department of Commerce has a workforce of 45,784 employees and hired 6,115 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Commerce is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Department of Defense

The Department of Defense (DoD) continues to work aggressively toward accomplishing the Presidential mandate to make it quicker and easier to bring talented individuals into Federal service.  DoD Hiring Reform activities are focused on three overarching Objectives: Improving Hiring Timeliness, Improving the Applicant Experience, and Attracting and Obtaining Top Talent.  In 2007 and 2009, DoD held Lean Six Sigma process reviews that led to the consolidation of DoD’s complicated and onerous hiring process into a concise, straight-forward 10 step approach.  Tasks outlined within the Hiring Reform Action Plan directly support each step of this process and each of the DoD Hiring Reform Objectives.

DoD senior leadership is heavily invested in the Hiring Reform initiative, and as a result, is providing strong direction and structure to the effort. To support leadership, the Hiring Reform Project Management Office (PMO) is focused on driving results-oriented initiatives, coordinating efforts across the Department, and converging integrated project team (IPT) efforts to align with the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) overall Hiring Reform objectives. DoD is institutionalizing the core principles of Hiring Reform across the Department, and creating a meaningful culture change around hiring.

Department of Education


The Department of Education had a workforce over 4500 employees in the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Education is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists.  The agency is also working to create a rewarding onboarding experience, provide leadership development opportunities, enhance employee engagement, and improve employee recognition and rewards.  This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda. To learn more about Education’s specific mission and goals, please visit

Department of Energy

The Department of Energy (DOE) completed Fiscal Year 2011 with a workforce of 16,304 employees. In 2011, the Department improved the time-to-hire to 102 days, a reduction of 42% from 175 days in 2009. DOE continues to improve the hiring process, create training and development opportunities, promote work-life balance, and recognize excellent performance in its workforce. Our DOE Human Capital website highlights the different initiatives currently underway to promote and establish a challenging and rewarding work experience.

Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency has a workforce of 19,008 employees and hired 1,024 employees in Fiscal Year 2011. The EPA continues to streamline and improve the end-to-end hiring process creating a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services has an on-board workforce of 83,451 employees at the end of the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Health and Human Services is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Department of Homeland Security

While DHS employees focus on protecting the American people, reducing the risk of terrorist attacks, securing our borders and enhancing the nation’s preparedness and response capabilities, the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) focuses on the human capital solutions they need to be successful. These solutions ensure that:

  • The Department has the right people in the right jobs at the right time
  • Our workforce represents the nation we serve
  • Our employees are developed and rewarded
  • Our human capital policies, processes and technology support our ability to fulfill the mission

Led by the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), the OCHCO champions the vision of the human capital community and is responsible for Department-wide human capital policy development, planning and implementation functions. Additionally, the OCHCO provides strategic human capital direction to and certification of Departmental programs and initiatives.

Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has a workforce of 9,739 employees and hired 448 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior has a workforce of 80,156 employees and hired 14,890 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of the Interior is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.




Department of Justice

The Department of Justice has a workforce of 117,003 employees and hired 4,154 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Justice is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.



Department of Labor

The mission of the Department of Labor (DOL) is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States, improve working conditions, advance opportunities for profitable employment, and assure work-related benefits and rights. The Department of Labor has a workforce of 16,180 permanent employees as of the end of the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2010.  As a result of the enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Department of Labor has hired over 2,700 employees. Like other agencies, the Department is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists, as well as to make DOL more competitive for top talent. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities to enhance skills and career mobility, promote work-life balance initiatives, provide competitive and comparable benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Department of State

As of March 31, 2012, the Department of State’s workforce consisted of 69,035 employees-10,631 Civil Servants (CS), 13,630 Foreign Service (FS) employees and 44,764 Locally Employed Staff (LE Staff). These employees promote and support the Department’s mission critical objectives both domestically or overseas at one of our 275 Missions. As mandated by the President’s hiring reform objectives, the Department of State has made great strides in incorporating hiring tools that facilitate increased Hiring Manager involvement in the hiring and recruitment process and streamlines the method of acquiring vacancy announcement details to ensure that both the Human Resources Specialist and the Hiring Manager indentifies critical facts quickly and efficiently. The Department has developed policy memorandum to enforce consistency in day-to-day hiring and recruitment operations and has developed standardized processes to reduce overall recruitment and hiring timeframes. The Department’s analysis of hiring reform goals and objectives is an ongoing process, the agency continues to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, and will recognize excellence performance of its workforce accordingly. This website shows current hiring reform initiatives that are underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda. 

Department of Transportation

The Department of Transportation has a workforce of 57,802 employees and hired 2,119 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Department of Transportation is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.



Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury has over 111,534 employees and is comprised of a Headquarters and twelve unique Bureaus of widely varying size and missions.  With more than 250 different types of jobs around the world, the Treasury Department manages the U.S. Government’s finances, promotes our nation’s economic growth and stability, and ensures the safety and soundness of U.S. and international financial systems. The Department of the Treasury is dedicated to streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a faster and easier experience for applicants, managers, and human resource specialists. The Treasury is also working to expand training opportunities, promote work-life balance, and recognize excellent performance by its employees. This website shows the different initiatives underway at the Treasury and progress being made in pursuit of these government-wide human capital strategies. To learn more about Treasury-specific missions and goals, please visit

Department of Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a workforce of approximately 314,802 employees and hired 25,826 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Led by Mr. John Sepúlveda, Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration (HR&A), VA has launched a portfolio of programs in support of ADVANCE, an HR&A initiative to invest in people development, workforce engagement, and talent management for the delivery of high-quality health care, benefits and other services to Veterans and their families. ADVANCE goals are to improve the recruitment, hiring, and retention of VA employees; invest in people development (e.g., leadership training); support and develop the capabilities of VA Senior Executive Service Corps; and build a broad set of human resources capabilities to attract and sustain an inspired, world class workforce dedicated to serving our Nation’s Veterans and their families. The VA has been at the forefront of implementing Federal Hiring Reform in an effort to reduce the time and expense of hiring and streamlining the process for candidates while ensuring involvement by Federal hiring managers. To learn more about the Department of Veterans Affairs, please visit   

General Services Administration

The General Services Administration has a workforce of 12,768 employees and hired 444 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the General Services Administration is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has a workforce of 18,808 employees and hired 482 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.


National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation has a workforce of 1,506 employees and hired 156 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the National Science Foundation is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance in its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.



Office of Personnel Management

The Office of Personnel Management has a workforce of 6,415 employees and hired 566 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Office of Personnel Management is continuing to streamline and improve the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to engage employees and foster innovation in the workplace, expand training and mentoring opportunities, promote work-life balance and flexibility, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda. OPM's hiring reform homepage:

Small Business Administration

Like other agencies, the Small Business Administration is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. SBA is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Social Security Administration


The Social Security Administration has a workforce of approximately 65,400 employees and hired 460 new employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the Social Security Administration is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

U.S. Agency for International Development

The U.S. Agency for International Development has a workforce of 3,710 employees and hired 520 employees in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. Like other agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development is streamlining and improving the end-to-end hiring process to create a better experience for applicants, managers, and human resources specialists. The agency is also working to create appropriate training opportunities, promote work-life balance tools, provide appropriate benefits, and recognize excellent performance for its workforce. This website shows the different initiatives underway and progress being made in pursuit of the government-wide human resources agenda.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) does not currently have an agency page on For more information about NRC, please click here.