Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee

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The U.S. Postal Service is proud of its role in portraying the American experience to a world audience through the issuance of postage stamps and postal stationery.

Many of the subjects chosen to appear on U.S. stamps and postal stationery are suggested by the public. Each year, the Postal Service receives from the American public thousands of letters proposing stamp subjects. Every stamp suggestion meeting criteria is considered, regardless of who makes it or how it is presented.

On behalf of the Postmaster General, the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) is tasked with evaluating the merits of all stamp proposals. Established in 1957, the Committee provides the Postal Service with a "breadth of judgment and depth of experience in various areas that influence subject matter, character and beauty of postage stamps."

The Committee's primary goal is to select subjects of broad national interest for recommendation to the Postmaster General that are both interesting and educational. In addition to Postal Service's extensive line of mail use stamps, approximately 20 new subjects for commemorative stamps are recommended each year. Stamp selections are made with all postal customers in mind, not just stamp collectors. A good mix of subjects, both interesting and educational, is essential.

Committee members are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Postmaster General. The Committee is composed of a maximum of 15 members whose backgrounds reflect a wide range of educational, artistic, historical and professional expertise. All share an interest in the stamp program and the needs of the mailing public.

The Committee itself employs no staff. The Postal Service's Stamp Development group manages Committee administrative matters, maintains Committee records and responds to as many as 40,000 inquiries received annually recommending stamp subjects and designs.

The Committee meets four times yearly. At these two day meetings, the members review all eligible proposals that have been received since the previous meeting. No in-person appeals by stamp proponents are permitted. The criteria established by this independent group ensure that stamp subjects have stood the test of time, are consistent with public opinion and have broad national interest. The members also review and provide guidance on artwork and designs for stamp subjects that are scheduled to be issued.

The Stamp Selection Process

Stamp proposals must be submitted in writing to the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee. Proposals made by email will not receive a response. This allows everyone the same opportunity to suggest a new stamp subject. Subjects should be submitted at least three years in advance of the proposed date of issue to allow sufficient time for consideration and for design and production, if the subject is approved. All properly submitted proposals for eligible subjects will be reviewed by the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee regardless of how they are submitted, i.e., stamped cards, letters or petitions.

Stamp proposals are to be submitted in writing to the following address:

    Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
    c/o Stamp Development
    U.S. Postal Service
    475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3300
    Washington, DC 20260-3501

After a proposed subject is determined not to violate the criteria set by CSAC, the subject is listed on the CSAC's agenda for its next meeting. The CSAC considers all new proposals and takes one of two actions: it may reject the new proposal or it may set it aside for consideration for future issuance. If the proposal is rejected, it may be resubmitted to the Committee again, no sooner than three years after the rejection date.

Proponents are not advised if a subject has been approved for issuance until a general announcement is made to the public. While the Postal Service relies heavily upon the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee for its advice, it has the exclusive and final authority to determine both subject matter and designs for U.S. postal stamps and postal stationery.

Artwork for Stamp Designs

Once a subject is approved, the Postal Service relies heavily on art directors under contract to the Postal Service for the selection of artists who will execute the designs. Stamp designing is an unusual art form requiring exacting skill in portraying a subject within very small dimensions. Due to the demands of stamp design and reproduction requirements, it is our policy not to review nor accept unsolicited artwork.

Professional artists who may wish to be considered for a design assignment should request a copy of the Creating U.S. Postage Stamps brochure from the following address:

    U.S. Postal Service
    Stamp Development
    ATTN: Stamp Design
    475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3300
    Washington, DC 20260-3501


Members of the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
12 members (as of February 2012)

Benjamin Bailar
Former Postmaster General; postal history stamp collector

Caroline Bauman
Associate director, Smithsonian Institution’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum

B. J. Bueno
Founder, The Cult Branding Company; partner, Nonbox Consulting

Cary Brick
Retired U.S. Congressional staff; adjunct professor of Government and History

Donna De Varona
TV sports commentator; Olympic swimming champion; select Director of the Board, U.S. Soccer Foundation

Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair
President Emerita, American Film Institute

Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Alphonse Fletcher University Professor, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research Harvard University

Dana Gioia
Poet and past chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts

Janet Klug
Philatelist; author; retired

Eric Madsen
Graphic designer & fine artist

Santana Maruchi
Founder, The Brand Extension Agency

Debra Shriver
Vice president and chief communications officer, Hearst Corporation; co-founder, UNICEF Snowflake Ball