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Lightning Safety Program
Contact NWS is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.

Tools for Teachers

In addition to the resources below, please check out the links in to the left on our Navigation bar for more great resources. Comments and suggestions welcome. Can't use a specific format? Let us know. We will try to help.
Curriculum Guide
  • Masters of Disasters: Ready to go lesson color plans and activities integrate safety instruction and disaster preparedness into standard academic classes. Version for K-2, 3-5 or 6-8. Sold at cost by the American Red Cross: $35
  • Preschooler program. 10-15 minutes hand-on program for 3-5 year olds.
Slide Presentations

The presentations below were designed for classroom use and should run on any PC. To download, right click and copy the files to your computer. Depending on the speed of your computer, this may take several minutes per file. Do not change the file name before downloading.

  • Lightning Overview: General presentation for all ages: exe
  • Lightning Science: The science of thunderstorm development and
    electrification, most detailed presentation: exe
  • Lightning Outside: Lightning safety and activities such as sports, beach, etc: exe
  • Lightning Inside: Safe shelters an indoor lightning safety: exe
  • Lightning Victims: Lightning victims and how to avoid becoming one: exe
  • Lightning Safety for Kids, ppt, pdf

Below are narrated Real Media presentations. You will need Real Player software, a sound card, and speakers to run these files. Right click to download these files to your computer, then click on the program to begin, or run the files from this site.

Activities, Games
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Overview, Science, Outdoors, Indoors, Medical, Teachers, Survivor Stories,
Success Stories, Photos, More Info

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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
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Silver Spring, MD 20910
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