
The TIPS Hydrology Success Team provides leadership and direction to the SMCRA Hydrology Program by delivering software, training, and technical guidance to our customers on hydrology-related issues. Our customers include OSM, State, and Tribe hydrologists, and federal state SMCRA programs.

Focus Areas

The Team provides support in three (3) hydrologic-related areas.  These areas are listed below with examples of mining-related evaluations enabled by our TIPS software:


  • Modeling groundwater flow and mine pool seepage
  • Fate & transport of chemical constituents
  • Characterizing aquifers through evaluation of slug and pumping tests

Surface Water

  • Watershed modeling; peak flow analysis
  • Design sediment basins & drainage control structures
  • Surface & groundwater interaction

Water Quality

  • Modeling AMD treatment scenarios & costs
  • Characterizing mine water; reaction paths
  • Water quality plots including Piper & Stiff Diagrams

Current and Future Direction

  • Large Watershed Analysis; CHIA and PHC support
  • GIS Integration; Utilizing spatial analysis/evaluations
  • Identifying software to model watershed flooding